M1Tanker 0 Posted March 1, 2013 This evening I was banned from US1252 for unknown reasons. The admins had made reference earlier in the evening to possible hackers and even kicked 4 people. Later, as I was refueling a helicopter, a humvee pulls up and begins shooting at us with a large caliber weapon with tracers. We fly off, a huge message scrolls by, something about object flooding and I saw [Wolf]Muffin get kicked along with at least one other player. Several minutes later, as I fly along in my helicopter I took from Muffin earlier in the day, I am kicked and banned from the server for "cheating/hacking". I feel this was either a misunderstanding or abuse my the admin. Thanks,M1 Tanker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mitunzz 90 Posted March 1, 2013 This sounds like a private hive, if so... there is nothing that can be done but name and shame. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M1Tanker 0 Posted March 1, 2013 Its not a private hive. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 32 Posted March 1, 2013 Sounds like admin abuse, honestly I see this and get this alot from killing the admins on accident not knowing there the admins then they get extreamly butt hurt. :(( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 32 Posted March 1, 2013 or sometimes you know there the admin or in the clan and you still gotta kill'em anyways ;) But yes to me it sounds like admin abuse, just my thoughts on the subject. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W3R3WOLF 5 Posted March 6, 2013 hifirst off we need a guid as we have been getting alot of object flooding bans.2nd m1tanker did you bother registering in our forum and messaging an admin (i thought not)3rd Giiwedin you dont have any idea what your talking about so button it up. you flaming moronnow back to the topic before someone decided to hijack this postcontact us at www.wolfsniperclan.com, send us a message Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W3R3WOLF 5 Posted March 6, 2013 hi just reviewing with admin about your case, can you pm me full details of the incident and the players(teammates)and their guids and names who were with you. There are some interesting facts about your case, would love to hear your side of story so we can do the proper thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M1Tanker 0 Posted March 6, 2013 (edited) Will do Werewolf and no I didn't register on your website because I didn't know it. I just registered over there now. Edited March 6, 2013 by M1Tanker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M1Tanker 0 Posted March 6, 2013 (edited) Well, my application to your website was just denied......"Your account at WOLF has been denied." Guess someone over there isn't interested in hearing my side after all. Edited March 6, 2013 by M1Tanker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
knar33 158 Posted March 6, 2013 I got banned from this server earlier today, no reason was gives besides "hacking/cheating", my character name is Rabbit. I logged onto my mule account and asked why I was banned, and he too was banned. My friends began asking why I was banned and he tried to say we had "too many guns" in our car for 3 people, both the car and the guns we got 10 minutes earlier by killing two extremely geared players.These admins are abusing ban power, I believe the real reason I was banned was because I killed one of the WOLF members or one of their friends. I thought public hive admins didn't have this kind of power but I guess things have changed since I last played. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W3R3WOLF 5 Posted March 6, 2013 hahahai am glad you posted here rabbit, as for your accusations, you are a liar. Pablo had 11 weapons on him.you were on our server giving people advice on how to aquire new cd keys and how to edit them so you can bypass bans.as for the weapons from the players you so called killed , are not the weapons listed on pablo's person.changing keys at will, only means you are buying illegal keys to bypass bans and or cheating and buying illegal keys is cheating and will be banned from our server and if dayz wants to take away our id for our server then so be it.As for M1tanker if you registered with a phoney e-mail the website will ban you or deny you Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M1Tanker 0 Posted March 6, 2013 No, I registered with a legit email, received a successful registration email from your forum saying it would have to be approved. 15 minutes later, I received another email saying "Your account at WOLF has been denied".I too run a forum and I too have to approve membership, this was a denial email. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
knar33 158 Posted March 6, 2013 hahahai am glad you posted here rabbit, as for your accusations, you are a liar. Pablo had 11 weapons on him.you were on our server giving people advice on how to aquire new cd keys and how to edit them so you can bypass bans.as for the weapons from the players you so called killed , are not the weapons listed on pablo's person.changing keys at will, only means you are buying illegal keys to bypass bans and or cheating and buying illegal keys is cheating and will be banned from our server and if dayz wants to take away our id for our server then so be it.As for M1tanker if you registered with a phoney e-mail the website will ban you or deny youA player cannot carry 11 weapons, that makes no sense. We each had 2 guns on our person in addition to 3 or 4 guns in the car, all of which we got by killing that player Smough and his friend. As far as CD keys, someone else was talking in global about how he used another steam account and had 2 different arma 2 cd keys, but he wasn't able to get on the one with good gear. I told him that the best way to manage keys is using registry editor, which is what I do with my 2 accounts (main account + mule aka walking tent). Having two accounts does not make me a hacker...it protects my gear. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
knar33 158 Posted March 6, 2013 Looks like this isn't the first time you've abused admin powers, quite a track record since september 2012...http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/125845-us-1252-object-access-flooding/page__hl__1252http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/125055-us-1252-object-access-flooding-ban/page__hl__1252http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/123251-locked-server-us-1252/page__hl__1252http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/87833-i-got-unfairly-banned-from-us-1252/page__hl__1252 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W3R3WOLF 5 Posted March 7, 2013 hahahahahyour such a dumbass rabbit, look at those topics, 2 were for object flooding which was a server side anticheat and the bans were removedone for a hacker that teleported everyone and made them danceone for no support on a problem that we fixed ourselves.as for more conversation on what you were talking about in our server- spamming sidechat driving everyone in the server crazy even though no one had kicked or banned you 3 at that time.- buying and changing keys at will (illegal keys)- also when asked on you being kicked the first time your friends piped up and said you can't prove it (classic hacker language)- when pablo was confronted on the 11 weapons he had in his inventory he then retorted i only have 3 nowm1tanker i have no idea why you would get a deny e-mail but i have checked the database and dont see your login, so please register again thxwe have had our server going for a long time and we admin our server the best we can, we run 3 anticheat systemssometimes we make mistakes but we will correct this mistakes if we are given enough info on situation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bert0mac 2 Posted March 19, 2013 just to add to the evidence against us 1252. i was banned for "hate speech" which amounts to me defending myself against werewolf and his goons rambling about the mouth. they said some terrible things to include werewolf himself telling me to kill myself. so i guess wolf clan is allowed hate speech that they ban for. that being said id love to fwd the emails this tool sent me telling me off to anyone who would like too see them. us 1252 has a serious history of admin abuse and just all around unproffesional attitude that takes a lot away from dayz. i for one dont think they should even be allowed on a public hive Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W3R3WOLF 5 Posted March 20, 2013 hiwow hate speech, lets see you came into our server and accused a wolf member of cheating and that he was globally banned but 2 minutes later wolf found a way of taking off the global ban. when you were told told to button your mouth, you went into a cursing rant that wolf was a cheating clan, you were kicked 3 times and told to button your lip. each time you returned cursing and accusing worse than the previous time. You were then banned on the 4th time at which time you sent me a private message in our forum cursing me down and wolf. i did not ban you from our forum and havent been banned yet from our forum. you changed your cd key and came into our server again being a total ass. after you were kicked for abusive behavior, you then came into our teamspeak and started creating too much drama and you were banned from teamspeak. we have exchanged many e-mails and each time you have become an idiot that i didnt think you could top off but you keep surprising me. you are a flamer and enjoy causing shit wherever you go. time to grow up. i have all the e-mails and replys and they are not edited. i did tell you to and i quote "So as far as I am concerned you’re an idiot and someone or yourself should put you or yourself out of your misery and make the old adage come true stupid is as stupid gets."Fars as i am concerned this topic is dead. we have thousands of people coming into our server and have quite huge following and the one thing we get from our guests is that we moniter our server well and get rid of hackers and idiots like yourself and they enjoy how we admin our server. we have recruited many people through dayz.. we are not perfect and we do make mistakes but we try to correct those mistakes as best as we can but not when it comes to morons like yourself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bert0mac 2 Posted March 20, 2013 i did not change my cd key at all. your server just screwed up and let me back in. i have never changed my cd key so fuck off. secondly you can tell me to shut up all you want but im not going to... wolf nacho showed up on the little red text as GLOBAL BANNED. i didnt make it up. i only pointed it out to you because you were bragging how you dont cheat. not to mention my hate speech? your name calling started when i said a guy got banned and came back. the fact is that a guy did get banned from your server and came right the f*ck back because you guys DO hack., your a f*cking punk that thinks i owe him respect. thats never gonna happen. you tell me to kill myself and say im using hate speech?.. good luck with your server and your hacks. as far as im concerned this thread isnt dead because you have yet to own up to you and your clans actions....im not done with you Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bert0mac 2 Posted March 21, 2013 your case isnt rested. your just backing down in the face of a thread full of evidence that you are in fact a complete douchebag. have a nice day Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted April 1, 2013 Right, If you guys are going to just insult each other Ill start handing out infractions.Disucss your issues like grown ups.RgdsLoK 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kolourblynd 3 Posted April 18, 2013 Funny thing is I too was recently banned from 1252, from these same "goons" as everyone here is stating.GUID for any party interested : FlonominalWerewolf and Junesong, two member verbally attacking me, and server community was talking slander about my integrity of gaming, soon after I got banned.This all was attributed to me, luckily finding Junesong but not intentionally, and in the heat of the moment had shot him... I was alone, I was playing without any hacks, with normal spawned weapons (from what I could tell,) and I could tell he was geared to the teeth.http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1cmkhd/regarding_the_wolf_clan_server_and_banning_loles/This reddit post tells the full in-depth story on my recalled memory, so I would love to hear WOLF's side, and maybe even see some real proof... and by proof I mean take a snapshot of the logs, highlight what it is you are banning me on, and explain why you can announce such a ban on that proof. It's not all that hard to do... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W3R3WOLF 5 Posted April 19, 2013 don't care, you can say what you want, post where you want. like i have said we do the best we can with what we have and the rules we are suppose to abide by. As i was talkjng to you this morning. your bypass i cannot prove. But every guest in that server at that moment while i was talking to is known to wolf. not all wolf members wear there tags just because of hackers (which is sad to have to do). End of story. Funny thing while i was talking to you, i was laying down at our camp when all 4 of our vehicles blew up nearly killing me) so plead your case. but its not going to change. just like your post in reedit where the admins deleted your 1st post. so please go away. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites