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Ban Appeal US 1252

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Sounds like to me you are a bunch of Butthurts... sorry to hear you have such a cult following in terms of hackers with hard-ons for WOLF members, but maybe if you wouldn't ban every person who kills you all, then people would stop flagging your server to get nuked, which is probably happening a lot more often I bet... Oh well, I'm not wasting money on a server noone plays on... Your avg. player count all day is around 6 on your server, so "thousands of players" is a big exaggeration...

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W3R3WOLF please post proof to back up your bans from your logs. If you cannot i see no reason why this server should not be blacklisted looking at the number of complients and your inability to actually come up with any proof as to why these players have been banned makes me wonder why the fuck you've been able to keep a public server for so long. GG

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look beatSTV,

1st off you dont know the situation with this player

2nd i dont appreciate the hostile attitude or cursing from you who dont know us.

3rd. I am tired of the few players who like to make trouble in our servers, them come in when and only when the server is busy and kill everyone using there pathetic hacks and then come in here to post how innocent they are.. you know and i know the new bypass is undectable.

our server has been up quite along time and to have a hand full of so called innocents complain out of the 30000+ guests and or wolf members. if you look at the complaints all but 3 were to do with dayz antihack and gotcha antihack and have been resolved

as for the other 3 m1tanker has been resolved which leaves 2 permanent bans bertomac and flonomiinal aka Kolourblynd.

but if you want to take away our server instance please go ahead and do it. the public hive servers are droppping fast because of these

hacking morons.

on a side note if you know so damn much about admining a server i doubt you even pay for, please give me some advice or programs

on properly catching hackers or something positive that we at wolf can use to better admin our server and i would kiss your feet,

but if you only have negative feedback and a ignorant attitude then do us all a favor and keep your opinion to yourself

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look beatSTV,

1st off you dont know the situation with this player

2nd i dont appreciate the hostile attitude or cursing from you who dont know us.

3rd. I am tired of the few players who like to make trouble in our servers, them come in when and only when the server is busy and kill everyone using there pathetic hacks and then come in here to post how innocent they are.. you know and i know the new bypass is undectable.

our server has been up quite along time and to have a hand full of so called innocents complain out of the 30000+ guests and or wolf members. if you look at the complaints all but 3 were to do with dayz antihack and gotcha antihack and have been resolved

as for the other 3 m1tanker has been resolved which leaves 2 permanent bans bertomac and flonomiinal aka Kolourblynd.

but if you want to take away our server instance please go ahead and do it. the public hive servers are droppping fast because of these

hacking morons.

on a side note if you know so damn much about admining a server i doubt you even pay for, please give me some advice or programs

on properly catching hackers or something positive that we at wolf can use to better admin our server and i would kiss your feet,

but if you only have negative feedback and a ignorant attitude then do us all a favor and keep your opinion to yourself

oh snap...

first of all i was an admin on a server for close to 4 months with no issues no complaints and a forum where if someone had a problem it would be dealt with that day, if not that hour. We had a very loyal player base of guys that respected us and knew that they had a 90% hacker free environment, there was no admin abuse at all and when a hacker was caught we would poll the players in game a couple of minutes after to see if the vast majority wanted a roll back. The only way to deal with hackers is to have an admin team you can:

1. Trust

2. Read logs

3. Are extremely active on both the database and your forums

You seem to have none of those on your server at all. I may be being harsh and i don't think you are entirely to blame, but at the end of the day you did appoint these admins in the first place. My tips for you even though its seems you are well beyond saving now as you have built up a dreadful reputation. Firstly imo you shouldn't be running a clan server nothing is worse than people abusing there position and gearing up there entire squad. Secondly get rid of all the admins that can't do their job and get some trust worthy people in there that can READ logs. Learn to read logs, dont just rely on anti-hacks.

And finally you still have not posted any actual evidence still... if you want further help please post the incriminating logs, i'm not wasting my time if you just kick people for killing you and your clan.

Edited by beatSTV
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well beast liike i said if you have some advice which you dont, keep your opinion to yourself and it looks like from what your talking about is a private hive not public. as for bad reputation you have no clue what your saying. gearing up a clan please dont insult us with that lame excuse.

only 2 members can ban anybody in wolf and we do this with regret and not because they killled a member. so go flame somewhere else.

last but least these guests do not come to our website to post any problems only here to flame like yourself

remember there are 2 choices to ban for that 1. cheating/hacking 2. abusive language so on that note.

Bad reputation hahahahahaha what do you think all this hacking and flaming is doing to the game.

last of all i cannot produce the log for the newest bypass as you know that. But i will take off the ban and i will do even better than that moron i will take off all the bans and hold you responsible.

As for the admins here, you see the issues with the hacking and you see the posts from the flamers.

do what you want with our server instance but all i see here are flamers that hijack peoples posts

Last thing also we all know are about admins from other clans posing as hackers going to other servers that are busy and destroying the popularity of that server, knowing damn well players will go to ones that are run by these admins

Edited by W3R3WOLF

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well beast liike i said if you have some advice which you dont, keep your opinion to yourself

did you not read my post kiddo i gave you loads of advice.

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Omg hahaha this is HILARIOUS!!!

Dude, I could care less about you lifting the ban at this point, won't keep me from talking trash about you and your "clan" because you've just proven within two forum pages that you and your group are incompetent, have no idea what they are doing, and seems to just brashly insult anyone who opposes you. How lovely a lifestyle you must live...

Anyways, if I were to manage to go grab my gear, I'll only be stopping in for a few seconds to move servers, so DON'T WORRY YOUR PRETTY HEARTS, WOLF! I won't be there playing on your server legit and killing your members because they can't hide well.

@BeatSTV, I appreciate you adding your two cents and contributing to the Ban Appeals to those unjustly banned, otherwise without the attention it may have been slipped through the cracks.

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kiddo, please tard quit flaming the topic and go back to your mommy

flaming would be me calling you a fucking idiot and you yourself deserve a ban. however all i have asked for is evidence and given you tips on how to not be a shitty admin. If i'm not permitted to share my opinion on a public forum maybe i should jump onto yours and then get banned for giving my input. rant over hopefully enough people on here now see this thread and realize that you can't even look after a hamster let alone a server.

***edit if you'd bothered to look you'd see that I'm 21 but yes i shall go back to my mommy and inform her not to play on US1252 if she played DayZ i'm sure she'd agree with me that you run a poor ship :)

Edited by beatSTV
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blah blah blah, 21 try 12 moron or should i say troll. the 2 of you can go get f*****

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you are not putting your argument very well

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Well can you blame him. Unless you are a member of the dev team he doesn't have to prove shit to you. Judging by the amount of posts you have, I would say your full time job is trolling these forums. And you can't compare being an admin of a private hive to being an admin of a public hive. So unless you have something constructive or helpful to add, please go troll another thread.

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Well can you blame him. Unless you are a member of the dev team he doesn't have to prove shit to you. Judging by the amount of posts you have, I would say your full time job is trolling these forums. And you can't compare being an admin of a private hive to being an admin of a public hive. So unless you have something constructive or helpful to add, please go troll another thread.

for a start probably 600 posts are actually helping people run the game, please see "can i run it" thread second i blame him for everything hes a shit admin as seen in the above posts

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you make me laugh, 21 yr old punk acting like a 12 year old. I bet your one of those free loaders who go around from clan to clan, server to server stirring up crap where ever you go, never paying for anything.

Like i said you dont know the issue, this so called guest calls it only like he wants to. I dont need a log to ban someone who first off runs a bypass i cannot trace unless someone here in this forum can show me how. All the people on that server at that time was known to wolf or wolf members under different tags except flonominal, 2nd he was not banned immediately as he was in the server the night before at which time there was 1 other guest so we couldn't ban both as we were not sure but was called out the next day when he came in with only wolf guests and wolf members but when he was called out he became ignorant and abusive then while i was in our camp he destroyed all 4 vehicles using some type of bypass which was not logged. At that time i banned him. End of story.

I shouldn't have to explain myself to every little troll who thinks they can make judgements on something they don't have any idea what happened.

Something you need to learn boy is respect and knowing when to post your opinion and when not to, Do you always believe every little story that is posted here. If thats the case then i have a piece of land for sale otherwise go stick your head in a toilet and flush.

i will not respond again to this post or the one made by flonominal end of story!!!!!!!!!

Edited by W3R3WOLF

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i will not respond again to this post or the one made by flonominal end of story!!!!!!!!!

Thank you very much and please don`t break the promise you made


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Stahp bringing up old useless posts

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legit please graveyard this kid is really irritating

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Ah this was a fun read. Just a typical immature admin!

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2nd i dont appreciate the hostile attitude or cursing from you who dont know us.

blah blah blah, 21 try 12 moron or should i say troll. the 2 of you can go get f*****

On a serious note, as far as I'm concerned, if you're operating a public hive server, you must have LOG and/or VIDEO evidence PROVING the hacker; which means, even if there was only one unknown on the server at the time, you must still prove log evidence before issuing a ban.

Also, mind if I ask which logs you happen to be looking at?

Also, check this out for reference: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/55657-start-here-a-beginners-guide-to-dayz-servers-and-administration/ (and I'm sure website mods can answer any questions you may have.).

Back to a non serious note:

blah blah blah, 21 try 12 moron or should i say troll. the 2 of you can go get f*****

kiddo, please tard quit flaming the topic and go back to your mommy

May I ask who is acting like a "12 year old"

Feel free to PM me or respond to this thread.

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i still do not understand why a mod has not shut this server down or requested evidence its a pub server

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