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The Shane Walsh of DayZ

Looking for some laid back/fun loving people to play with.

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I mostly play with Filftyhobbit but It'd be nice to have some more people to play with since we're not always on at the same time, and the more people the better for this game. I tried a clan out once but the whole "Sir" thing and the fact you have to jump through a bunch of hoops just to be part of the team is not fun at all. I just want to get a group of people that don't take this game too seriously but still want to survive, find stuff and have some laughs. It'd be nice to have bandits and heros so that way if shit does hit the fan we have it covered. So if you just want to play to have a good time, and not dick out the other people we play with "IE:Shooting them for a gun or something they have, or stealing everything if we set up a camp" add me on skype:Itsjustjoker. I'm 20 and am on EST times but I'm up at all times for the most part so time doesn't really matter too me.

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(PGC) Phoenix Gaming Community are recruiting Join our steam group and teamspeak 3

We play a variety of games such as Arma II, Farming Simulator 2013, Battlefield 3, DayZ and more to suit our gamers needs.

About Us:

PGC is a friendly gaming community based in Europe, founded in 2012. We cater for every type of gamer, from casual gamers who play almost everything, to hard-core pros that love to play as part of a team, we even accept clans and groups as long as an officer or above is consulted first.

Contact Details:

Teamspeak IP (Status: ACTIVE)

Website: www.phoenixsmonocle.enjin.com

iTrAmPzi [Admin]

Steam: TrAmPzi

Skype: Bruteparody

Teamspeak IP (Status: ACTIVE)

Our private hive server is now open to the public

Server IP:

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