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Ramdisk =cant join any servers

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so as the title says i just installed ramdisk and put @dayz folder to vitrual HD and after that i cant join any servers at all so little help :) thx for the answers

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You've done something wrong.

Did you tell DayZ Commander to load DayZ mod from it's new location on the virtual drive?

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yes i have given commander the new location of the @dayz folder and checked updates etc i get no message why i was kicked only says "you were kicked of game" thank you for answer

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Do you have this problem when you try and join a mission that does not use @DayZ? (like Wasteland for example).

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well i use ramdisk only for dayz so there should not be any problems il go check that now and report here asap

so i can play wasteland no problems :)

Edited by Parvis

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Good, at least it isn't an Arma installation problem then.

Just out of interest, why are you using the Ramdisk for just Dayz?

Dayz has such a small amount of data on it (170Mb), it hardly will make a difference to your experience. If you had put some of the more commonly loaded files (like chernarus.pbo or buildings2.pbo) then it would improve your data streaming for the files that are generally needed all the time.

It's argueable that the overhead of a Ramdisk might outweigh the benefits too (depending on circumstance).

See this post for some more info:


I can't be more specific as I know nothing about your setup (steam or retail, PC specs etc)

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well in instructional video that told to put only dayz folder to virtual HD and my computer specs intel i5 2500k oc'd to 4ghz sapphire 7870 2ghz 8gigs 1600mhz ram temperaturel all low

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Fair enough. I haven't seen that video, but if you do a bit of reading and benchmarking, you can work out what's going to be the best for you.

Do you have an SSD you could install Arma 2 onto? Personally, I used to use RAMDrive when I had a low spec PC, but with modern SSD, there seems to be no benefit for me at all.

Your computer looks quite nice, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. It's up to you though.

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i dont have an ssd hd i have 500bg western digital HD 7200 rpm would like to try that ramdisk coz in citys my fps drop to 50 from 100 and up almost all setting high/very high

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I think I would just eat the 50 fps >.< I used to get about 8 in cherno, and the RAMdisk did not help at all. The zombies don't eat you, they eat your CPU! I find 30 fps to be very smooth, but if you are used to 100, 50 might seem choppy I guess.

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well maybe i put that wrong way the fps isnt the problem, the problem is that when the fps drops suddenly from 100 to 50 or what ever it lags for a few seconds every time and i read from the internet somewhere that ramdisk may help for that

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Im having a similarish problem with RAMDisk... Ive got everything set up with DayZ Commander to run from the Ram Drive, and I get the game started just fine and get past the lobby and everything but then I will get to the DayZ logo again and the load bar gets all the way to the end and then nothing happens for a long time... I waited 5 minutes, and so I have to Alt Tab out, and when I check the Task Manager it says Arma II is responding, so I know the game isnt frozen or anything..

Any Idea what might be causing this?

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