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I don't know why, but for some reason I am keep spawning with bandit skin

I used to play on private hives and unofficial map, recently I cameback to official chernarus servers.

But for some reason I am bandit, I did not kill anyone and I am mostly friendly guy and I am not enjoying killing other people instead of being friendly with them, my bandit skin simply doesn't allow me to be friendly cuz everyone who see me, just shoot my in da face :(.. I would like to start again with my normal humanity..

is that possible? Can you reset my character?

Player ID: 60806AX

Nick: Fox_Cz

(Keep in mind, that I am not from english speaking country :D)

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What you need is a ghillie to hide that bandit skin. If you want one let me know. I have more than 12 in stock :)

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You can keep playing friendly, but play in a squad and be the medic who simply patches everyone up, you'll become a survivor or hero in no time.

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Cool, thanks for your replies guys :)

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yeah, just try to get a squad and be medic, youll be normal in no time

P.S "omg the avatar that you have makes me thinks that your like are you fking kidding with these answers, everybody kills ME!!" lol

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