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Urgent issue: Server-Hopping on SA. Let´s say NO! And make it a thing of the past.

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The 24 hour cycle is mostly an Arma limitation, the engine was mainly designed to make realistic missions, things like inflitration at sunrise where you only get half an hour before the sun comes up.

I suppose the cycle could be accelerated in the standalone, i agree that nobody plays 24 hours, add to this that we use water and food much faster than we would in the real world. The cycle should probably be accelarated, not to a point where it becomes irrelevant, but simply to adjust to the fact most players won't play more than, lets say 6 hours straight, so a cycle that is 24 hours is pointless.

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I think It would be good removing empty servers from the server list. That would reduce the amount of people joining empty servers.

If there's for example 50 servers with more than 75/150 people then an empty server would be unlocked an would appear on the server list;

if a low populated server gets empty, then that server disappear from the server list.

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I think It would be good removing empty servers from the server list. That would reduce the amount of people joining empty servers.

If there's for example 50 servers with more than 75/150 people then an empty server would be unlocked an would appear on the server list;

if a low populated server gets empty, then that server disappear from the server list.


You should have had enough time to think about that answer before ressurrecting the thread...and how would you be able to join an empty server if you you don't want to play on a free for all pvp dm server if you can't find them in the list. Too many players on this tight spot makes the game a fragfest. Less players give a more realistic feel of a wasteland. Having players join only populated servers to have more action is not helping the game get back what it has lost.

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I just post another idea for help avoiding server hopping, I dind't want to open another post about the same.

I don't think switching to empty servers for looting is good for the game; encourages server hoping in places with high quality loot without risk, and some players would prefer switching servers than travelling around the map because is more profitable.

Maybe 75/150 is a high number, maybe 50 is fine so people that doesn't like very high populated servers can join these, that's an online game to play with others :D

Edited by Wili

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