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I've finally given in to Banditry

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After two months of playing strictly Ask Questions First, Shoot Second. And dying 100+ times. And failing the elusive quest for a Hero Skin... I took an AS50 to the hills above Balota AF and rained hellfire on the Bambi Community...... and it felt AWESOME!!! I went from 4K Humanity to -5k Humanity in 1 hour and I had the most fun in the game so far. I might not shoot everyone I see from now on, but the server will TREMBLE IN FEAR from my douchebaggery!!

Also... General Why you became a Bandit thread!

Edited by Hunterliv

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One of us misunderstands the term 'bandit'. It's possibly me, though. I'm not sure AS50 sniping on the South Coast is really 'true' banditry as much as it is random killing. Maybe I'm out of touch though.

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It takes a strong person to stay on the path of justice, and that is why many succumb to the ever-tempting side of banditry. Oh, and I hate how everybody who kills on sight is now referred to as a "bandit". A bandit is, by definition: a robber, especially a member of a gang or marauding band or an outlaw or highwayman.

Real bandits actually have the skill and guts to hold someone up. Not sitting on top of a hill shooting defenseless players.

One of us misunderstands the term 'bandit'. It's possibly me, though. I'm not sure AS50 sniping on the South Coast is really 'true' banditry as much as it is random killing. Maybe I'm out of touch though.

Exactly my point.

Edited by TheBambiAvenger
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My understanding of a Bandit, is someone who obstructs the gameplay of people trying to get loot and survive... Bambi Hunting is well covered in that. Unless I am mistaken.

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Good for you. You participated in an activity that required nil skill. To label yourself a Bandit is false advertising, however.


My understanding of a Bandit, is someone who obstructs the gameplay of people trying to get loot and survive... Bambi Hunting is well covered in that. Unless I am mistaken.

You are very much mistaken. What you have done is Grief. A true bandit would not do such things, especially on the coast.

We're pirates, and we've got a code.

Edited by GotBeanZ
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Im bandit, but only north of Zelenogorsk line. Killing players on coast is low imo.

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Murdering new players is like.. seal clubbing and perhaps animal abuse. (relevant to a certain thread)

Although most people strongly oppose it, it still happens.

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Real bandits actually have the skill and guts to hold someone up. Not sitting on top of a hill shooting defenseless players.

I guess I view it differently, If someone holds me up... and takes my gear and lets me live.. i dont view that as Banditry. Thats just survival and I am just glad to be alive. But NOONE does that, or atleast none i've run into.

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We're pirates, and we've got a code.

Alright then, Where is this Pirates Code so I can learn the ways of a true Bandit. Cause from what i've seen, Bandits 1.) Spend their day sniping NWAF, NEAF, BAF, ELEKTRO, CHERNO. 2.) Destroying others camps, even though they dont need the gear (WHICH IS HORRIBLE). 3.) Shooting people in the legs and then dragging them to zombies. 4.) KoS, every.... time.

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Alright then, Where is this Pirates Code so I can learn the ways of a true Bandit. Cause from what i've seen, Bandits 1.) Spend their day sniping NWAF, NEAF, BAF, ELEKTRO, CHERNO. 2.) Destroying others camps, even though they dont need the gear (WHICH IS HORRIBLE). 3.) Shooting people in the legs and then dragging them to zombies. 4.) KoS, every.... time.

Bandit in dayz is just player killing enough players to be bandit, thats all and no philosophy is needed. Rest is just you, your gameplay style and overall behaviors. When you crossed this line, I understand, you can kill some on coast with AS50 or other nerfed weapon, but I hope, it will be not your only way, just for your fun.

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It was the first time i've ever done it. It was fun. But clearly not challenging at all. Its Low Risk, Low Reward... as to being a ask questions first player like I was before which is High Risk, High Reward.

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It was the first time i've ever done it. It was fun. But clearly not challenging at all. Its Low Risk, Low Reward... as to being a ask questions first player like I was before which is High Risk, High Reward.

High Risk is what makes the game fun.

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Alright then, Where is this Pirates Code so I can learn the ways of a true Bandit.

Check this: cristgaming.com/pirate.swf


Edited by Gews
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I guess I view it differently, If someone holds me up... and takes my gear and lets me live.. i dont view that as Banditry.

You could think he just sexually molested you for all I care. What you think its called doesnt matter, that really IS banditry.

what you went and did above the balota airfield was by definition being a skill-less asshole preying on the unarmed.

I really dont mind you people doing things like AS50 sniping around balota though. I would prefer getting my AS50 by killing you with whatever weapon i found in the barn behind you than running up north to check crashsites. So with that, keep on doing what you're doing. the vast majority may not like it, but I sure do. ;)

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From what I've seen, Bandits

1.) Spend their day sniping NWAF, NEAF, BAF, ELEKTRO, CHERNO.

A bandit will not snipe Balota, Elektro, or Cherno. Those places are spawn points. NWAF and NEAF are okay as sniper spots, but only if you intend to loot the bodies.

2.) Destroying others camps, even though they dont need the gear (WHICH IS HORRIBLE).

Taking gear without want or need for it is griefing, period. It is only viable to destroy a camp if the members of the camp pose, or have posed a direct threat to you on several occasions.

3.) Shooting people in the legs and then dragging them to zombies.


4.) KoS, every.... time.


I daresay you, my good man, have never seen a real bandit. Not surprising, they are quite rare indeed. Every bandit has his or her own code of conduct, but as a general rule they to not slay the new spawns, nor the unarmed.

Edited by GotBeanZ

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