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Looking to put together small group

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I've played DayZ for awhile solo and clan style. Clans get too serious, there's not a lot of fun to playing alone outside of live streams.

That being said, a small group of 3-5 people is probably the best way to play in my humble opinion. Goals are easier to establish and achieve, communication is a lot easier, finding time to play together is more likely.

I do a lot of recording while playing, too. So I wanna play in a way that's worth the hard drive space.

Here's what you should be for maximum enjoyment and funtimes:

Nonhacker (cause really dude, trolling is for the mentally deficient)

Non attached to your character (cause really dude, dying is part of the game)

Nonsucky (cause really dude)

I'm 23 and I play in the EST and I'm open to whatever playstyle, bandit or hero.

Skype: spoonplaysgames

gmail: spoonplaysgames

Edited by spoonisntcool

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I've played DayZ for awhile solo and clan style. Clans get too serious, there's not a lot of fun to playing alone outside of live streams.

That being said, a small group of 3-5 people is probably the best way to play in my humble opinion. Goals are easier to establish and achieve, communication is a lot easier, finding time to play together is more likely.

I do a lot of recording while playing, too. So I wanna play in a way that's worth the hard drive space.

Here's what you should be for maximum enjoyment and funtimes:

Nonhacker (cause really dude, trolling is for the mentally deficient)

Non attached to your character (cause really dude, dying is part of the game)

Nonsucky (cause really dude)

I'm 23 and I play in the EST and I'm open to whatever playstyle, bandit or hero.

Skype: spoonplaysgames

gmail: spoonplaysgames

Hey spoon, Fugitive Gaming is a casual gaming community with a tactical playstyle. You mentioned you disliked clans for their seriousness, I can assure you that Fugitive doesn't have the requirements that a clan has so you may play at your leisure. We meet the requirements of your standards for enjoyment and funtimes. I have pasted some general info about Fugitive below. Feel free to PM me or msg me on steam (ReDecember/Red Storm) if you are interested.

le paste:

Fugitive Gaming is looking for tactically minded players that prefer to work in a group. We play DayZ, ACE, PR, and Wasteland mods for ARMA II. Our community contains players of both casual and competitive nature and we have clan ambitions for ARMA III. We are a friendly community with a teamspeak server and a website: http://www.knightserrant.net

In general:

-Our playerbase is largely 18+

-Many of our members are active/retired military

-We play many mods for ARMA II so DayZ may not always be what we are playing

-Many people in our community, being casual, play many games at a time so even if we aren't dedicated to a game we may still play it. Examples being: COH, WoT, War Thunder, WarZ, PS2, Mount and Blade Napoleonic Wars, MineCraft, WoW, and EVE.

-Our player base is primarily in North America

-We are bandits

-mic is required

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Hey there

Last time I played DayZ regularly it was with a group of 4-5 other guys and I agree, it was a lot of fun and efficient. I'd like to play with you, send me a PM if you want to see if I'm up to snuff.

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Sure, add me on skype :Itsjustjoker. I don't like the idea of having to call others "sir". It's a game, you have no rank over me at all. Last time I tried out a clan I got fed up with it because they were too serious and acted like trying to have a normal convo with someone is a sin, So while we were searching for stuff I shot them all in the back told them I play this game for fun, not as a chore and left said clan. I'm 20 and play est also btw. Like I said I play to have a good time and am not too serious about this game. I play bandit/hero depending on who i'm with also.

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