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Major Rawne

Kicked off game.

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Ever since letting the DayZ Commander update my version to and Arma II to 102285 I can't join any games anymore. First of all, the Commander software will only find about 10-15 servers (out of 6000+ servers in total) that meet my requirements (which aren't that bad - I ask for the right mod version, servers that are still open, that are responsive and that have a ping lower than 80). When I then try to connect, DayZ is booted up and I join the room. Seconds later, I am kicked off without any explanation. I've tried several servers but it just won't let me in anywhere. I don't use hacks, I don't use any illegitimate software. The error started occuring after the update.

Also - I just mention this in case it's important - I have partitioned my harddrive (selecting 500MB to put the DayZ mod in) to improve my framerate and general performance. But I've done this for a while now and it never caused any problems with the older versions of DayZ.

Anyone have an idea why it's impossible for me to join a server? Is it an error in the patch or does it have to do with my Arma update? I bought both Arma II and Arma II: Operation Arrowhead legitimately via Steam.

Much obliged,

Major Rawne.

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You say there is no Kick Message?

Try some other servers that are running 1.7.6 ... or earlier. Without a Kick Message it would be difficult to troubleshoot your problem ... might help by eliminating server versions or something. Like look for older Arma versions and see if you can join those servers ... note down the version numbers and stuff.

Sorry I can't be of more help ... I am only able to test out connections in like 3 hours time. :(

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DayZCommander fucking sucks, so does Play WithSix.

this is the main reason i quit playing DayZ, i can't join without a million things going wrong, and the loading takes FOREVER to go through.

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DayZCommander fucking sucks, so does Play WithSix.

this is the main reason i quit playing DayZ, i can't join without a million things going wrong, and the loading takes FOREVER to go through.

Wow ... that was helpful ... sheesh ... glad you don't play DayZ anymore ... you might want to offer me a Blood Transfusion and then accidentally shoot me ... Bad Kitty ... :emptycan:

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Well I do get a message but it simlply says "you have been kicked off" without offering any explanation why. I'll try tinkering around with it a little. Usually I get a kick message right when I join the room. It might have something to do with the BattleEye client I think. That's the software that kicks you right?

@Metallideth: sorry to hear that but DayZ commander works fine for me (most of the time) and it makes updating a lot easier than it was before. Also, you don't really contribute much to the thread...

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It might have something to do with the BattleEye client I think. That's the software that kicks you right?

Yep that is the software. Try and make sure your Battleye is 100% updated. I think there is a way to do it manually ... not sure ... you might have to Google for that one.

I am really sorry I can't be more helpful.

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Any idea how I can update Battleye via Steam?

None I am afraid ... I use DayZ Commander to connect to a server and then it updates Battleye while I am connected, if it has to.

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I've had the exact same problem as described on this thread, i'm in the exact same conditions as the OP , i was even playing fine last night for over 2 hours and didnt have any problems what so ever , but today i started playing and after like 30 or so minutes i get a "Session Lost" message ... and since then i cant connect to any server with out getting a "You where kicked from the server" message with no other explanation ...

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Tried updating Battleye, installing and uninstalling the updates, switching back to my original harddrive. Nothing worked so far. Any help?

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I use Play with Six and this has been an on again-off again problem for me. 20 minutes ago at most I was done kitting out in Cherno and on my way out, I got a message reading "You were kicked from the game." I have no idea what it could be, as I don't hack or cheat and I only have DayZ open when I play.

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I've been having pretty much the same problem since the update to 1.7.6 (which I also happened to switch from a Raid0 setup to a SSD HD with a fresh windows install). Most to all servers kick me with either "You have been kicked from the game" or "You have been kicked from the game Battleye: Client not responding". I've have tried at least 4 or 5 total resinstalls of Arma now (even two with a full resintall of Steam). The servers I can get on seem to be random and change from day to day (although I have yet to be able to stay on my favorite whitelisted server). It even started affecting Lingor and other maps where it didn't at first. I have tried individual fixes on BE, tried different connection types. I'm at a freaking loss I haven't been able to play the game in close to a month now and I've been trying fixes about 5 days a week. I've done basically everything short of a full Fdisk.

Edited by Rushthezeppelin

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Strange one this, has just started to happen to me too since the latest updates. I'll see if I can find a reason and post it back here.

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Phew, I was trying to join servers which had a different arma version. Good luck guys.

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fixed now guys just update your arma 2 and it sorts it out.

actually tried it on a different server and got kicked again...

Edited by bradofstoke

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