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Igor (DayZ)

DayZ Mod is hitting Television News!

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I recently submitted a story to Fox5News, my local news, and hopefully tonight or soon they will broadcast it. I may have went a little over-board with the submission but here you are:


Contact your local news and make this international!

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God damnit' date=' more complaining newbies


Me or more players...? I am not complaining at all. And neither should anyone else. If it's in Alpha - no complaints should be made.

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I'd be interested in reading this if half of your screenshot wasn't cut off... fail.jpg

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I'd be interested in reading this if half of your screenshot wasn't cut off... fail.jpg

It's not cut off. I slid the expand-scroll-tab far too right and it cut off since the area did not have a long-length horizontal tab. But with common sense' date=' you can figure out what I am saying.

Why didnt you link interview with rocket or some pc gamers links?

I purposely didn't so that they'd think they are the first to public-broadcast it as well as interview him. I only linked ONLINE NEWS, not TELEVISION NEWS.

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Why did you send it to fox news?

This is just what we need..."modification for violent shooter linked to recent face-eating tragedy"

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Fox? That means they will be treating it as real, and scaring old white people with "Did Obama just unleash the zombie Apocalypse using socialism?"

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fox ?! are you kidding me

hope they wont do a item about it, otherwise they will make the headline of the story something like this " Is there a link between dayZ and the recent "zombie" attack ? "

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Why did you send it to fox news?

This is just what we need..."modification for violent shooter linked to recent face-eating tragedy"

This. Seriously, this. Submitting something like this to any mainstream news network is a Bad Idea, but sending it to a sensationalist, fear-mongering network like Fox? Jesus, what were you thinking, man?!

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"Contact your local news and make this international!"


Also, Fox? Gooby, pls.

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It sees you are new to the gaming network, so here is one of the main rules... You dont EVER contact FoxNews, or let them interview or talk about ANY game!

They are retarded fucks who hate EVERYTHING about videogames

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As an old whiteish person, who also reads fox news, I find your comment offensive, mrbloodworth.

The zombies are ovbiously an unholy union of occupiers and teapartiers.

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It was on BBC like two weeks ago. They're a little bit bigger than your local station.

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It was on BBC like two weeks ago. They're a little bit bigger than your local station.

BBC is only big in the UK.

Fox News is national in the United States.


One makes news, the rest follow up. Fox 5 News is also one of the dominant Fox News channels.

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