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Scott Pilgrim

Craftable Crossbow Arrows + Other stuff regarding the Crossbow

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So with the new quiver, the crossbow is fairly useful now. But I see room for editions to it.

I was thinking we should be able to craft wooden tipped arrows.

The current non-craftable arrow: Arrow (Iron Tipped) - The Iron Tipped arrow with a 20% chance of breaking.

The craftable arrow: Arrow (Wooden Tipped) - The Wooden Tipped arrow with a 20% of breaking, and a 10% chance to go blunt. Also, to down a zed with the wooden tipped arrow, it'd have to be a head shot, or two body shots.

The blunt arrow: Arrow (Blunt) - The arrow formally known as the Wooden Tipped arrow, now blunt, could still be used but would require two head shots or 3-4 body shots to down a zed.

The bolt - It was removed but it could be added back in for variety. Make it a slightly rarer find than the standard Iron Tipped arrow and have it unbreakable.

Now onto how we craft the arrow. We would require logs, feathers from a chicken, and a knife to fletch and sharpen the arrow. To stop the possible abuse from crafting the arrow, give the knife a chance to go blunt.

I also want to suggest to add another, rarer variant of the crossbow: Compound Crossbow (Scoped)

How are these arrows going to be added into the quiver without them mixing/bugging up. Well, we could just keep it simple with naming the quivers: Quiver (Iron Tips), Quiver (Wooden Tips), Quiver (Bolts), Quiver (Blunts). Although this could become cluttered and messy and my knowledge on the ArmA II engine is lacking, but I was wondering if it's possible to have the arrows mixed inside a quiver while they keep the correct amount inside.

Suggestion is open for more ideas and improvements.

Edited by Scott Pilgrim
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Anyone else...? this is up for criticism and shit. And vodka. I love vodka. Had half a bottle of Vasparov. Ohhh yeah.

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  On 2/26/2013 at 11:05 AM, Scott Pilgrim said:

give the knife a chance to go blunt.

.. Don't make this by Chance. It would be better if the knive had "uses" until it is blunt, and sometimes consume two uses to simulate incompetence.

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i hereby offer you my beans, do you accept this proposition?

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I want craftable wooden arrows and then lootable steel bolts (That don't have a fucking stupid "chance" of breaking). Then I want a quiver that attaches to your bow/crossbow and additional hip quiver you can carry as a clothing piece. (Standalone suggestion)

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  On 2/26/2013 at 5:05 PM, radivmoe said:

i hereby offer you my beans, do you accept this proposition?

I accept. Give. Me. The. Beans. PL0X


Yes, I'd rather have that than what I said. I only said that based on what I was told on what was possible.

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if we are going to be able to craft arrows then why not have (or make) regular bows

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  On 2/27/2013 at 3:33 AM, Ruski said:

if we are going to be able to craft arrows then why not have (or make) regular bows

This. I was thinking the same think hours now. Even the crafting that needed to be done.

But well take in consideration that the mod limits some things :)

@Scot Pilgrim You have my beans.

:beans: :beans: :beans:

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  On 2/26/2013 at 3:54 PM, UmBe said:

.. Don't make this by Chance. It would be better if the knive had "uses" until it is blunt, and sometimes consume two uses to simulate incompetence.

Exactly, and there should be a method of sharpening it. Maybe they could add in oilstones or waterstones or a rare EdgePro spawn!

And there should be a few different hunting knives as well, maybe something like a Buck 119 in 420HC on the lower end (goes dull faster) and maybe a Bark River in 154CM or similar for the mid range, and a very hard-to-find Bob Dozier or Randall or something on the higher end!

Heh. No.

But the "uses left" makes more sense than the "chance" system.

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I like the idea of giving the crossbow different scope and such. HERE TAKE MY BEANS :beans:

btw. theres a quiver for the crossbow now?

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  On 2/27/2013 at 4:29 AM, sevenuruz said:

I like the idea of giving the crossbow different scope and such. HERE TAKE MY BEANS :beans:

btw. theres a quiver for the crossbow now?

yes, you have six arrows in your inventory, and you combine them into a quiver

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You have my support, i love the xbow, i just wish it damaged players a little more, maybe even had possibilities for red-dot, or ACOG. Mostly because i have used to for hunting animals, it does'nt give away my position and i don't have to run after the animal with a hatchet.

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  On 2/27/2013 at 10:45 AM, Karnesh said:

You have my support, i love the xbow, i just wish it damaged players a little more, maybe even had possibilities for red-dot, or ACOG. Mostly because i have used to for hunting animals, it does'nt give away my position and i don't have to run after the animal with a hatchet.

I always thought the crossbow knocked people unconscious on the first body shot or so I'm told.

Edited by Scott Pilgrim

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That may be, i have'nt tried it on players, but the damage on the wiki says 3555 and that did'nt seem like a lot, also the wiki says nothing about making players unceonscious in 1 shot, i never tried because i did'nt want to waste ammo and get shot in the face for a failed murder attempt, and i never fire unless fired upon, so i guess testing is difficult.

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Great suggestion, and its the logical conclusion of making arrows wooden. The only option I disagree with is the feather requirement for wooden bolts. On short range weapon (which the crossbow is), I highly doubt feathers serve any usefullnes apart from the optics. Apart from that, you've certainly got my beans.

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  On 2/27/2013 at 3:05 PM, Equanimity said:

Great suggestion, and its the logical conclusion of making arrows wooden. The only option I disagree with is the feather requirement for wooden bolts. On short range weapon (which the crossbow is), I highly doubt feathers serve any usefullnes apart from the optics. Apart from that, you've certainly got my beans.

How far does everyone else take out zeds with the crossbow? I manage to take targets out from 50-100 meters or so without crosshairs and rarely miss. I bet with the optics we could go further and without missing, in that scenario the feathers (fletchings) would be useful

Just a little info people may want to know: The fletchings keep the arrow flying straight and steady. It also makes the arrow spin whichs helps correct any mistake with the shaft, making it much more accurate.

I know stuff sometimes! :lol:

Edited by Scott Pilgrim

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  On 3/1/2013 at 12:32 PM, Scott Pilgrim said:

I know stuff sometimes! :lol:

what a coincidence, me too! :D

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If the crossbow had craftable bolts and a better sight (dot or good iron sight), then it would be my favourite weapon. I really want to like it but it's hard to aim without a lot of practice and I often can't recover my bolts.

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  On 2/26/2013 at 11:44 AM, Darryl Dixon said:

I support this, guess why ;)

The same reason I do.

Also, a hand crossbow would be all sorts of awesome.

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