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Looking for a nice, stable home (EU pref but mor einterested in the community)

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Hi guys.

I have been playing DayZ for a while now (since June last year I think) but a lot of my friends have stopped, and I miss the teamplay and general shennanigans of co-op play.

I do not even pick up (let alone pitch) tents anymore, I feel like a wandering minstrel of zombie pain, but that RP has gotten stale now.

So, can anyone recommend a server with a nice community (looking to use Mumble/TS/Vent/Skype)?

I do not mind full RP MilSim, but really I am just looking for some mature (that does not mean boring and not up for some drunken 'quests') players to hang with on a regular basis.

Reply here or feel free to PM me (my old account got wiped last year when they transferred the database, but this one seems stable now).


Dok 'Rick' Faustus.

Edited by Dok Faustus

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Hi mate pop round to GotBeanz.com about 12 regulars good helpful bunch you'll defiantly find a warm welcome.


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Hey guys.

Thanks for the info, will be looking at them this coming week :)

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Hey there squire.

I'm not sure if you're looking for a regular server or just a regular group, but we have a bunch of players that tend to play together at least reasonably regularly. We're all in our 20s and have reached the stage where we all realise gaming is just a bit of fun, and the screwups are part of what makes it so much fun. We're not a clan or anything like that, so there's no 'orders' or 'leader', and we don't mind if you can only play once a week, once a month or whatever - we're really laid back.

If that sounds like something you'd be looking for, feel free to give me a shout, we'll probably be playing this evening, and you'd be more than welcome to tag along.

However, if you are looking for a regular community/server, I can thoroughly recommend the Balota Buddies - I play there myself from time to time and it's a nice community - well worth the effort of getting whitelisted.

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Hi Dok,

We're a small community growing fast but we're a fun bunch of guys. Come visit us at PSYCHONAUTS.NL and we'll gear you up and give you a vehicle, maybe even find you a group.

We look forward to seeing you.


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