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Target Practice (DayZ)

Things I am no longer allowed to do in DayZ

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Dude ... this is the funniest thing ever ... my eyes are watering from laughter and everyone in the office is looking at me strangely. I really did LOL.

:beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: for Humour!!!

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19: I am to stop screaming ‘Airwooooolfffffff, nooooooo!’ at Heli Crash sites.

25: Just because the Lee Enfield is nicknamed the ‘dinner bell’ doesn’t mean I have to fire it in the air every time we stop to eat.

27: ‘Zombie Wizards’ is not an acceptable explanation for why the Huey I was left in charge of is now upside-down and on fire.

These three gave me a good laugh I haven't had in a while. You have my beans! :beans:

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It's been awhile since I've had a good laugh from these forums, great job on the thread. And I wish the people you play with the best of luck. :beans:

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Mr. Welch as in me..?

Sure, why not. :P

Also, damn. Thanks for all the beans, guys. I'll probably come up with a few more later on, as I've been popping up with new ones all afternoon!

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Love it ! :D

You can get a cookie!

Argamore gave one cookie to: 'Target practice' !


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7: Likewise, the British Assault Pack does NOT contain brass knuckles and a top hat.

Made me giggle noticeably at work.

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7: Likewise, the British Assault Pack does NOT contain brass knuckles and a top hat.

WHAT? Don't tell me there isn't a monocle and a swig of whiskey as well, I Say!

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Well, the original post has been updated to include another batch I came up with over the course of a quiet afternoon. At this point, I should probably point out that you really shouldn't try out some of this stuff unless you have some very understanding teammates. :P

Anyway, items 31-70 are now edited into the original post. :)

Edited by Target Practice

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And I wish the people you play with the best of luck. :beans:

That would be me, for one!

This made me laugh! I for one vote we need more Ron Burgundy quotes and more duels ;)

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Oh god, them last ones are even funnier. Why am I allowed to give only 1 beans...

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Sure, why not. :P

Also, damn. Thanks for all the beans, guys. I'll probably come up with a few more later on, as I've been popping up with new ones all afternoon!


And yeah, they're hilarious, keep it up!

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It's been awhile since I've had a good laugh from these forums, great job on the thread. And I wish the people you play with the best of luck. :beans:

Wow... It's pretty insane that we have managed to bump into each other here.

We had a conversation through Youtube comments just the other week.

Edited by Victim187
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I'm going to steal this and make it my 'to-do' list.

I was discussing this with my buddy last night and we did actually say we should record me doing some of this stuff and upload it to youtube. :D

Edited by Target Practice

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