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Worst weapon in DAYZ?

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Then you,my sir, have never used a crossbow.

I've killed many a bandit with it, including one with an m4a1 cco. One shot, to the head. Too bad he combat logged. :(

I have.. I would just rather have more than 1 shot per inventory spot, more than 1 shot before reload and a weapon with a usable sight. It's been awhile but I used to pick them up but every time I would be losing bolts, because the recovery system was giving me the shits. I had to wriggle around and experiment to get the sweet spot for the bolt sticking out of the zed's head. Oh well by the time I come across one I usually already have a hatchet so I don't bother with them, but if I had NOTHING to attack with I would use it.

Edited by Chris529

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as50 . makes the simulation a bit weird .

double barrel are good . you can kill human with 2 slug shots .

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The vault kick (v) never seems to work on the infected for some reason...

But seriously for me its the crossbow, couldn't hit a barn with that damn thing.. Oh and i've tried so many times literally.

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The crowbar does a laughable amount of damage, and with the fucked up melee ranges, I would say that it is the single worst weapon in DayZ, DayZ+, DayZ Namalsk, DayZ You-get-the-fucking-picture.

Edited by Dusty926

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