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KoS, an examination

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Ya, but one generates the same experience over and over, and the other opens doors for new experiences.

Not necessarily. It is still up to the player to "choose" what to do. And it is not cool to try and "force" a certain playstyle on someone. Everyone has their own way of going about DayZ. If that includes KoS, so be it. If it includes befriending bambies, so be it.

The choice is in the player, not in unwritten arbitrary rules.

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Not necessarily. It is still up to the player to "choose" what to do. And it is not cool to try and "force" a certain playstyle on someone. Everyone has their own way of going about DayZ. If that includes KoS, so be it. If it includes befriending bambies, so be it.

The choice is in the player, not in unwritten arbitrary rules.

No one is trying to force anything. It is possible to have issues with KoS without wanting it removed or regulated. My main argument is simply that people that kill everything they see the second they see it are playing a very 1 dimensional game. They have options to create different experiences, but they won't. Because they are too afraid of losing something. They try to justify it in all sorts of different ways, it's fun, it's the real game, it's challenging, the zombies aren't a threat, but the truth behind it all is simply that they don't want to risk losing something.

Edited by JubeiDOK

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It really comes down to this: since it's a game, there's very little value on a persons life and there are no repercussions to killing someone.

I agree with you semantically; however repercussions do exist despite the ultimate pixelated meaningless of a polygonal life lived and lost in an online game. Those - the repercussions - being the development of a bad reputation ... which admittedly most do not care about ... and the sometimes real sense of anguish one online gamer can cause another by betraying them. While the consequences of betraying your fellow stranger online are of course not as grave as such done in the 'real' world, the acts of deception and betrayal, etc. are quite real. Deceiveing and lying and betraying are the same craven behavior whether one is doing it in the physical world or the cyber. It is in my belief and opinion, a question and instance of character ... good, bad or ugly.

Addendum: I misread perhaps the real meaning of the OP, that being in regards to KoS rather than the griefer schtick. Upon closer treatment of the OP I would have to admit that while KoS is not my style, it is less disturbing than the short or long term deception and betrayal mentality religiously practiced by some in DayZ. -end one-

Edited by Saethkept

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No one is trying to force anything. It is possible to have issues with KoS without wanting it removed or regulated. My main argument is simply that people that kill everything they see the second they see it are playing a very 1 dimensional game. They have options to create different experiences, but they won't. Because they are too afraid of losing something. They try to justify it in all sorts of different ways, it's fun, it's the real game, it's challenging, the zombies aren't a threat, but the truth behind it all is simply that they don't want to risk losing something.

People are trying to "force" a playstyle. You see it in how people react to being shot. They cry, bitch and moan, call people douches, call the shooter derogatory things, all because they got shot. They are trying to force their "entitlements" of surviving because they don't like what happened to them. It's done through peer pressure, and a belief that their way is the only way to play and so anyone who doesn't play like me is the devil, or beneath them.

Yes, people try to force a certain style of play.

If someone does not want the RISK of being shot, or KoS, by a bandit, or anyone, then they are in the wrong game. I don't kill everyone on sight, but at the same time I do play this game for the PvP. Whether i'm hunting, then stalking, and then ambushing someone, or happen across a chance encounter while i'm doing things for clan members, i'm always ready to pull the trigger. And I play as if I am being hunted. That means not stopping in doorways to look at the loot. Always trying to limit the LOS on me, or if I know someone is around, moving through cover, or if I know i'm going to be shot at, giving them a high angle of attack (90 degree's is best). In other words, playing smart, whether i'm being hunted or not. Does it always work? Nope, i've been ambushed, been gunned down. I usually laugh it off, figure out what I did wrong, figure out how they got me, and start over. Unless I feel there was something wrong with how I died, then I start to look into it with the admins on the server. If no hacks great, I got out played, bravo other guy. If I got killed by a hacker, well that sucks and I help the admin try to get the guy to reveal himself and get him booted.

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Yes, people try to force a certain style of play.



You say that there are people who try force a certain style of playing on you.

But now tell me. When you shot them, don't you exactly force your style of playing on them?

How comes they should not force their non-PvP style on you, but at the same time you feel 100% entitled to force your PvP style on them?

Bear in mind I find certain aspects of PvP (namely shooting new spawns and snipe killing) really low-life but I would not, not even for a second, propose to take PvP out of dayz because it would break the sandbox concept: I play friendly and sometimes I get killed for that. Fair enough..


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You say that there are people who try force a certain style of playing on you.

But now tell me. When you shot them, don't you exactly force your style of playing on them?

How comes they should not force their non-PvP style on you, but at the same time you feel 100% entitled to force your PvP style on them?

Bear in mind I find certain aspects of PvP (namely shooting new spawns and snipe killing) really low-life but I would not, not even for a second, propose to take PvP out of dayz because it would break the sandbox concept: I play friendly and sometimes I get killed for that. Fair enough..


I'm not forcing my play style on them due to the fact that they entered into this game that has those risks involved. They chose to play, knowing full well they will be at risk of PvP 100% of the time. I could choose not to shoot them. They could also choose not to play.

But them feeling entitled to live because they don't want to PvP forces an attempt to take a choice away from me. I could choose to shoot, or not shoot. But I should not be held at the bottom of the dregs of human kind should I choose to shoot. The game offers this choice to me. They chose to play this game with all the inherent risks involved. From Zombies, and players. I am not forcing my play style on them when they know the risks of the game.

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Just make a goddamn NON-PVP server, so all those who don't like getting shot can go there an snipe zombies in elektro. I understand that people like to debate, but its pointless to understand why KOS happens.

You got a game with guns and no rules, what do you think it's gonna happen.

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Look, you are right, in dayz the player may die of hunger/thirst if he is so inept he can't find anything, being eaten alive by Zombies or shot by some other players for any reason whatsoever (or even no reason at all - that I dislike but I accept it), that's the essence of the survival game.

BUT they have as well the choice to use the side chat to call you in any possible way on Earth because obviously they are not happy of having been killed. You see, they are fighting back using the weapons they have. They are not happy and they want you to be un-happy so maybe you will not kill them in the future. They want to survive and keep playing.

If you choose to kill players (and nobody forces you to) then you have to accept the consequences of your actions, insults and low esteem as well.

Do you really expect them to say "Gees, thank you for having killed me. I really feel better now." ?


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Look, you are right, in dayz the player may die of hunger/thirst if he is so inept he can't find anything, being eaten alive by Zombies or shot by some other players for any reason whatsoever (or even no reason at all - that I dislike but I accept it), that's the essence of the survival game.

BUT they have as well the choice to use the side chat to call you in any possible way on Earth because obviously they are not happy of having been killed. You see, they are fighting back using the weapons they have. They are not happy and they want you to be un-happy so maybe you will not kill them in the future. They want to survive and keep playing.

If you choose to kill players (and nobody forces you to) then you have to accept the consequences of your actions, insults and low esteem as well.

Do you really expect them to say "Gees, thank you for having killed me. I really feel better now." ?


I would expect the player to be mentally competent enough to understand the risks they agree'd to when they entered the game. But I know this is not the case as common sense is very uncommon.

Makes me feel that much better that I actually game with people who can think critically and understand the basic concepts of the games we play. While people can (and do) team up to help each other, this game is also about competing against other people. Either directly as in firefights, or indirectly stealing loot. And if you're not part of my group then you're the competition. I wouldn't want someone in my group who cries about getting shot because they felt entitled to live in a game that they accepted the risk of death and starting completely over.

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You say that there are people who try force a certain style of playing on you.

But now tell me. When you shot them, don't you exactly force your style of playing on them?

How comes they should not force their non-PvP style on you, but at the same time you feel 100% entitled to force your PvP style on them?

Bear in mind I find certain aspects of PvP (namely shooting new spawns and snipe killing) really low-life but I would not, not even for a second, propose to take PvP out of dayz because it would break the sandbox concept: I play friendly and sometimes I get killed for that. Fair enough..


For crying out loud...

That's like saying DayZ is forcing a certain playstyle on people because there are zombies in the game. If you got killed by zombies (be it glitch or no glitch) you wouldn't rage on sidechat too much about it. You know it was your fault, you accept it and you learn from it right?

Why can't players come to realize that there are more threats in the game besides zombies? How come a zombie gets away with murder that easily but a player doesn't?

I will give you this much though. I too wish there was less KoS, especially on unarmed players.

I wish there where more players who sought battles, who would punish me and everybody else for killing an unarmed player as their mission.

But that's not going to happen and for one solid reason (IMHO) and that is most players just don't want to do PvP against other well armed players because it's a "risk" to them.

Another side reason (as i have touched on many times) is that most players just don't know how to PvP to begin with and it doesn't matter if they have a makarov or an AS50 or even a helicopter... They will not become good at PvP if all they do all day long is hang out in the middle of nowhere on empty servers playing the farm gear and vehicles game.

Plain and simple then, the prominent reason you get KoS with no gear is because you are too god damn bad to be allowed to live on.

And most of these people that I have let go i have never seen again because they spend every minute of every day out in the middle of nowhere collecting gear and setting up tents and take up server bandwidth and performance playing farming simulator in DayZ.

Just make a goddamn NON-PVP server, so all those who don't like getting shot can go there an snipe zombies in elektro. I understand that people like to debate, but its pointless to understand why KOS happens.

You got a game with guns and no rules, what do you think it's gonna happen.

You know as well as i do that when the community starts making no-PvP servers they will be filled with players who are too damn lazy to learn from their mistakes and then there will be more servers like this to allow more of these carebears to fit on them.

And the other servers will become less populated as a result so now more players who are indifferent to the PvP aspects of DayZ will join the now full servers just to have other players around.

Finally the community have succeeded in killing DayZ as most players get bored and move on. Especially those that complained the most about KoS.

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My few cents:

The 3 parts PVE, PVP, PVZ are the 3 main conflicts. all are important. But there is also Player AND Player, so shooting other players is not the only option there is.

I hear the argument, that it's just a game and that the life counts nothing, very often as an explanation for PVP. I think that's utter bullshit!

People who don't care if they loose their life or not, don't do the only thing that that definitely would save their own life. I believe the opposite to be true.

"Bandit-Gameplay" And KoS are 2 entirely different things. KoS is not giving the other player a chance to do anything other than dying. That's the important difference in my opinion. There is no honor in killing on sight. There is no sportsmanship in that.

If you think your characters life is worth nothing, go take the risk and take someone hostage or rob him of all his possessions. But selling KoS as gameplay in dayZ is just a very cheap attempt to blend over the fact, that dayZ isn't "just a game" and that for most people, there is a stronger emotional bond to their dayZ character, than to any other game they ever played before.

DayZ can be so many types of games. But if someone wants a game, where he can shoot as many people as possible in as short of a timespan as possible, dayZ probably isn't the game designed to do that.

But I am convinced, that the community solution, like "don't shoot freshspawns" is the way to go. Not any implementation that would hinder people from Killing on sight. Not to shoot on sight, has to be a matter of self-respect, not a matter of technical barriers.

I have personally played completely immersed, as well as "just for fun", not caring wether I die or not. Both ways are possible. But I pity those who claim that a life in the game is worth nothing, because they are the few in the dayZ community who just didn't get why everyone is so freaking exited about the game.

Edited by liquidmind
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My few cents:

Doesn't matter how you word it, DayZ is still a game and only a game. You might have more of an investment in it than other games, but it is still a game.

I don't PvP just to "shoot" people. I PvP for the competition. I'm perfectly fine if I have a great battle but come out on the losing end. To me it's all about the competition. Cat and Mouse game. If I ambush someone then I out played him. Whether he knew I was there or not is irrelevant. If he was not aware of his surroundings then that is his fault for not understanding his risk in this video game. If he knew I was there and still lost, then he got out played.

I don't care if I die in this video game, but I also try to play to win, as in not get shot. I also have to play the zombies so that when I do shoot I don't get swarmed.

And PvP doesn't have to be with just a gun.

Last night for instance on Lingor Island, I had just been eaten by zombies from trying to help a friend who'd been shot. I spawn in and the first thing I hear is a helicopter landing near me. Just my luck. I decided to charge it as I had absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain. I ran towards the sound, saw it landing, and used cover to run up to it. As I started running through the open field on a dead sprint at the chopper I ended up running right next to the pilot who was standing around doing I don't know what. He saw me, turned and watched me run right up to his chopper, and get into the pilot seat. I fired it up right away and as the blades start turning he opens up on me with an AK 74. He only got a couple hits on me out of 2 clips (don't ask me how), and by the time I take off i'm bleeding at at 6k health. I wasn't bleeding bad but was a concern. His buddy stayed in the gunners seat the whole time I ran up to them and never opened up on me. I flew to a buddy, went low and hovered and let my buddy shoot the unknown guy out of the seat.. I landed, bandaged, and then took off again. And as you can imagine I got called every name under the sun by everyone else, even though the guy I stole it from didn't have a problem as he understood what happened. Unfortunately as I was landing far away and about 20m off the ground a hacker caused me to eject from the chopper and I died as my parachute was coming out. Chopper crashed and killed my buddy. Moral of the story, guy set down in a bad spot, wasn't prepared to defend it, and let it get hijacked. Was another form of PvP, and I won.

It was exciting!

Edited by Tek

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I'm not forcing my play style on them due to the fact that they entered into this game that has those risks involved. They chose to play, knowing full well they will be at risk of PvP 100% of the time. I could choose not to shoot them. They could also choose not to play.

But them feeling entitled to live because they don't want to PvP forces an attempt to take a choice away from me. I could choose to shoot, or not shoot. But I should not be held at the bottom of the dregs of human kind should I choose to shoot. The game offers this choice to me. They chose to play this game with all the inherent risks involved. From Zombies, and players. I am not forcing my play style on them when they know the risks of the game.

Ur funny, Tek. I still don't really get your argument. You say people are trying to stop you from doing what you do, but when you log in the game and see some poor bastard you can still shoot and kill them right? The guy who doesn't want to get shot is still doing what he wants to do, at least until you see him. So where in lies the problem? You seem to have a problem with not being liked. You don't honestly expect to go about a game killing people and expect to be liked for it? It wouldn't happen in real life and it isn't going to happen in a virtual one either. People just tend to get rubbed the wrong way with cold blooded killers, what can I say.

Or does your aggression stem from something else? Does the real frustration come from the fact that you have hit the ceiling of your imagination, are doing what you perceive as your only option because of it and are being condmned for it. Ya, I guess that might start to get on someones nerves after a while. If this is the case, why still play then? Someone had previously stated in a post that they KoS because the zombies are not a threat. What threat is a player with their back turned to you or what threat is a player 200 meters way that has no clue you are there? Why is it someohow more valid to kill the stationary player 200 meters away at a loot pile than it is to kill a zombie that is 10 feet away and will alert a ton more zombies? Plus, isn't the lack of a real threat from zombies the exact reason why you should choose not to kill on sight all the time? Because if you really think about it, idealy you would want there to be propper consequences for stopping in the middle of the road to line up a shot on someone while zombies are chasing you from behind. Idealy the player that does that is going to get knocked the fuck out. But right now, that doesn't really happen cause the zeds are a little broken.

Bottom line though, you can KoS all you want. I just don't get how it doesn't get old on you. It seems like such a shallow and repetetive experience to me.

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Doesn't matter how you word it, DayZ is still a game and only a game. You might have more of an investment in it than other games, but it is still a game.

I don't PvP just to "shoot" people. I PvP for the competition. I'm perfectly fine if I have a great battle but come out on the losing end. To me it's all about the competition. Cat and Mouse game. If I ambush someone then I out played him. Whether he knew I was there or not is irrelevant. If he was not aware of his surroundings then that is his fault for not understanding his risk in this video game. If he knew I was there and still lost, then he got out played.

I don't care if I die in this video game, but I also try to play to win, as in not get shot. I also have to play the zombies so that when I do shoot I don't get swarmed.

And PvP doesn't have to be with just a gun.

Last night for instance on Lingor Island, I had just been eaten by zombies from trying to help a friend who'd been shot. I spawn in and the first thing I hear is a helicopter landing near me. Just my luck. I decided to charge it as I had absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain. I ran towards the sound, saw it landing, and used cover to run up to it. As I started running through the open field on a dead sprint at the chopper I ended up running right next to the pilot who was standing around doing I don't know what. He saw me, turned and watched me run right up to his chopper, and get into the pilot seat. I fired it up right away and as the blades start turning he opens up on me with an AK 74. He only got a couple hits on me out of 2 clips (don't ask me how), and by the time I take off i'm bleeding at at 6k health. I wasn't bleeding bad but was a concern. His buddy stayed in the gunners seat the whole time I ran up to them and never opened up on me. I flew to a buddy, went low and hovered and let my buddy shoot the unknown guy out of the seat.. I landed, bandaged, and then took off again. And as you can imagine I got called every name under the sun by everyone else, even though the guy I stole it from didn't have a problem as he understood what happened. Unfortunately as I was landing far away and about 20m off the ground a hacker caused me to eject from the chopper and I died as my parachute was coming out. Chopper crashed and killed my buddy. Moral of the story, guy set down in a bad spot, wasn't prepared to defend it, and let it get hijacked. Was another form of PvP, and I won.

It was exciting!

Ya, but dude, this discussion is about "Kill On Sight".

That never would have happened if they had a KoS mentality and vice versa. Get it?

Edited by JubeiDOK

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Doesn't matter how you word it, DayZ is still a game and only a game. You might have more of an investment in it than other games, but it is still a game.

I don't PvP just to "shoot" people. I PvP for the competition. I'm perfectly fine if I have a great battle but come out on the losing end.

Don't get me wrong. I didn't say PVP in general is bad. I said people who shoot everyone they encounter, out of principle, just not to be shot themselves, ruin the game. Serious bandits, who face any revenge the other player will bring back to them, are an important part of the game.

Just focusing on killing other players, dismisses so many parts of the game, that I just don't see how anyone could see that as playing the game to it's fullest tough.

But playing just for the kills... I can get CS 1.6 for 10 bucks right now, and there are hundreds of servers where I can log in and go kill right on. If the kills were all you would seek in the game, you wouldn't play dayZ. There are other games more rewarding. But if you want to outsmart people and come out of a challenge as a winner, it's awesome. Ghillie-sniper with an as50 on freshspawns, just isn't all the game has to offer in my opinion. I had wonderful nights in DayZ not shooting anyone, just doing stupid stuff. It's a sandbox for social experiments. You shouldn't limit yourself to just one way of playing it. That's like running the same simulation over and over again.

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You know as well as i do that when the community starts making no-PvP servers they will be filled with players who are too damn lazy to learn from their mistakes and then there will be more servers like this to allow more of these carebears to fit on them.

And the other servers will become less populated as a result so now more players who are indifferent to the PvP aspects of DayZ will join the now full servers just to have other players around.

Finally the community have succeeded in killing DayZ as most players get bored and move on. Especially those that complained the most about KoS.

so what ur really saying is you just want more targets even if the majority of those targets arent intersted in ur CoD game.

this is always the issue with PVP- in games were its part of but not the entire focus. the PVP crowd wants everyone to have to pvp, regardless if a % of the community is into other things be it crafting or any other of a hundred nameless ventures.

in the end its ALWAYS the pvp crowd who say, u have to pvp or gtfo.

you'll notice the crowd who dont pvp, or simply want to make sure DayZ doesnt continue to be a KoS game till the end of time, arent requesting that pvpers completly give up their play style.

but its ok, i know from many many other games the PVP crowd will never come around.. its all about having targets, esp. targets that arent interested in being targets. why go North and battle PVPrs that actualy are seeking it, when u can just greive fresh spawns on the coast ...

bloody typical..

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this is always the issue with PVP- in games were its part of but not the entire focus. the PVP crowd wants everyone to have to pvp, regardless if a % of the community is into other things be it crafting or any other of a hundred nameless ventures.

It's more like the game has these PvP elements that are designated PvP, and then complain when they get attacked. They then go that boards forums and cry and start a movement to get said PvP zone nerfed so that they can go loot that area in peace. I've watched it happen in a number of games, all because those carebears are little whiny bitches who didn't want to understand the risk they took when they entered said PvP zone.

DayZ is one giant PvP zone. Players give their consent to the risk inherent in said PvP zone when they join a server. Doesn't mean you will get PvP, but it means they are subject to the possibility of PvP. And then when PvP does find them they cry like the baby they are because they couldn't be half-assed to understand the risks of this PvP zone.

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Ya, but dude, this discussion is about "Kill On Sight".

That never would have happened if they had a KoS mentality and vice versa. Get it?

If the guy had been KoS I would have died. And it would have been justified and understandable. Heck, I expected to get shot. On the flip side if I had a weapon when I stumbled across them I might have tried to shoot them, thus getting shot by the 240 on the side of the chopper. But who knows, things may have worked out differently. The point is, KoS or not KoS, the objective in that instance was the chopper. I wanted it, they had it, I knew they weren't going to give it to me, so I had to take it. They should have KoS since I didn't say a word to them as I ran up to it.

I don't care if people KoS or not. What I am arguing for is for people to understand the dangers this game has because of the many choices people have to do as they please in this game. If someone wants to KoS it is not your right to tell them to stop. Sure you could complain about it, but then again they like watching you guys cry. I know I do. I poke them over and over again when I see them bawling on side chat (whether I shot them or not).

Now for me I don't go sitting on spawn points just waiting for someone to hop in. But if i'm recently spawned, and I have a gun, and a spawn comes walking up to me, he is probably going to get shot because he is not part of my group.

On the flip side I have been going passed spawn area's and seen newly spawns with guns come at me. So why should I not shoot them even though i'm better geared? He has a low risk/high reward. I have a high risk/low reward. My risk is being shot by this guy who wants all my better gear. So I will (and have) shoot them to save my own skin. KoS justified.

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If the guy had been KoS I would have died. And it would have been justified and understandable. Heck, I expected to get shot. On the flip side if I had a weapon when I stumbled across them I might have tried to shoot them, thus getting shot by the 240 on the side of the chopper. But who knows, things may have worked out differently. The point is, KoS or not KoS, the objective in that instance was the chopper. I wanted it, they had it, I knew they weren't going to give it to me, so I had to take it. They should have KoS since I didn't say a word to them as I ran up to it.

I don't care if people KoS or not. What I am arguing for is for people to understand the dangers this game has because of the many choices people have to do as they please in this game. If someone wants to KoS it is not your right to tell them to stop. Sure you could complain about it, but then again they like watching you guys cry. I know I do. I poke them over and over again when I see them bawling on side chat (whether I shot them or not).

Now for me I don't go sitting on spawn points just waiting for someone to hop in. But if i'm recently spawned, and I have a gun, and a spawn comes walking up to me, he is probably going to get shot because he is not part of my group.

On the flip side I have been going passed spawn area's and seen newly spawns with guns come at me. So why should I not shoot them even though i'm better geared? He has a low risk/high reward. I have a high risk/low reward. My risk is being shot by this guy who wants all my better gear. So I will (and have) shoot them to save my own skin. KoS justified.

So in other words, you don't get it? You don't seem to get that you were rewarded with a new gameplay experience that you yourself described as "exciting", because both parties involved decided not to KoS.

You also skip right past what seems to be your real issue and the reason all your posts have a hint of anger imbedded within them, and that's that people don't praise you for murdering them.

Your fear of loss extends beyond the game I'm affraid.

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So in other words, you don't get it? You don't seem to get that you were rewarded with a new gameplay experience that you yourself described as "exciting", because both parties involved decided not to KoS.

I think you are failing to grasp the overall point of my posts. Which is sandbox allows people to choose how they want to play. Play how you want where you want with what you want. Some people choose to KoS.

You also skip right past what seems to be your real issue and the reason all your posts have a hint of anger imbedded within them, and that's that people don't praise you for murdering them.

I could care less if people "praise" me for being good at PvP. All I care about is if I play smart, make my shots when they count, and PLAY HOW I WISH TO PLAY. Any anger you may sense comes about from carebears trying to force their non-pvp viewpoints in a game that is very PvP-centric. Only thing I care about is that the game is not nerfed to the wishes of carebears that want to change the nature of the game. They entered this game knowing full well all the risks this game brings. Just because you are unarmed, or under-geared, doesn't give you any right to be left alone. That is what the carebears are pushing for... that Oh, i'm a fresh spawn so you shouldn't shoot me. That's bullshit. If your a fresh spawn and someone shoots you, that is the choice of the shooter. And what does it matter that you got shot as a fresh spawn? YOU HAD NOTHING TO LOSE.

Your fear of loss extends beyond the game I'm affraid.

Not quite sure what you are trying to imply. It's a video game, there's nothing to lose.

Edited by Tek

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Me and my brother started playing DayZ about 2 days ago. So we have always been teaming up and trying to survive. Took a while for us to understand how zombies work and all that. But eventually we figured it out and its way easier to search towns for food now.

Anyway, yesterday we were checking a Hunting Pass (Don't know exactly what they are called) in the forest, so decided to check it out. Saw another guy run in open in the field. Wrote over Direct Communication "Friendly?!" And got the reply yes.

We had the advantage in the situation, we had the cover of the woods. He was in the open. I had a DMR and my brother had an AK-47 Kobra something (had a red dot on it) that we found in a Military Camp the night before. My brother also had a gillie suit that we found in a castle. Turns out this guy we met needed blood. And we had 5 blood packs after raiding the hospital (Hey don't judge me! We needed the blood to survive) Anyway, I offered to give him a blood pack, so my brother took position up in the woods to cover me in case it went wrong. I walk out of the woods and we meet up.

I give him his blood, we chat for a minute "What are you doing around here?" to which my reply was "Looking for some tires to fix our bike" Then I started walking (not running) back into the woods, slowly. He drew aim on me when I was halfway up in the woods. So the situation got tense, my brother had aim on him the whole time. But he never shot at me. He ran away and that's the last I saw of him.

To me and my brother this was the most exciting and tense experience we ever had in the game. Sure the zombies are scary at times. But it's the other players that scare you. Can you trust them? Do you shoot when you have an advantage or do you meet up and risk being killed? It is really tense every time you see another player. Most of the time we avoid them. I have actually killed 2 other players on sight. Not in a row. But when we were checking out a military base and Elektro. I feel bad over it, but in the situation you are so scared you rather just shoot them than they shooting you.

Especially if you have the advantage of being behind them and not being seen by them. But most of the time we ask "Friendly?" And the first couple minutes are tense, then you start to trust each other, not much but a little. And you walk your own paths.

TL;DR: Me and my brother saw a guy running open in the field, my brother covered me from the woods while I gave him a blood pack. It was tense, he drew aim on me. but didn't shoot. Made it super tense.

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From my experience (played 5 times a week since the first week this mod was released) there is 4 types of players you'll come across in dayZ.

The solo survivor: generally this guy will be friendly, he plays solo and is most likely new to the mod.

The solo bandit: this tends to be the guy who sits up on a hill with over watch of an area and shoots anything that moves from little bunny rabbits to unarmed players.

The survivor group: they tend to be mostly hostile as they have enough players in their group and plenty of gear, mostly they will try to communicate with you before they rob you of your beans and pride.

However some groups can be friendly but just keep an eye on them.

The bandit group: much like the solo bandit but these packs of rats work in groups, mostly setting up road blocks and missing vehicles that go past with terrible aim, they will give make no attempts to communicate and play to KOS.

When playing dayZ the best advice is to treat everyone as a threat, don't become another douche bag and KOS, try to interact with the players, get them to drop their weapons and rob them or if you feel they are safe just let them go.

You will have much more of a rewarding feeling if you communicate with someone and get them to drop their weapon rather than just sniping an unarmed player from an undisclosed location.

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