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Attention! Suicide helicopter wrecks!

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Just now, i have found a chopper wreck standing next to stary sobor. Havent found a chopper spawn point yet, i was interested and approached the vehicle. The main rotor and tail of that huey was pretty fucked up, but it would let me enter the side door gunner position. I hoped, that maybe i could switch to the pilot seat internally and check out the damage and once i entered ... i instantly died...

Living for several days now, #27 "longest survivor alive", M4A1 CCO and several other stuff gone, because of some pretty bad developer joke...

Helicopter? No thanks!


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Same thing happened to me - I planned to enter the pilot seat through the gunner door, since the cockpit doors were FUBAR. As soon as I got inside the door gunner position, I was instakilled.

I ran back to the wreck to see if I could salvage the corpse. At first, I thought it had disappeared, but it turned out the body was directly underneath the helicopter wreck. By proning and clipping through the copter, I managed to land a bullet on my body's leg (now allowing the body to be selected) and retrieved my gear. Luckily.

Lesson learned? If a vehicle's totally messed up, don't mess with it or it'll mess you up too.

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I have made an announcement about this!

It's unfortunately a "killer easter egg". A nice surprise idea that ended up killing people. Whatever you do, do NOT get in the crashed heli's (grey ones), because they trigger the anti-hacking scripts and being instantly killed is probably the nicest result out of several the server might do to you (including turning you into a wild boar)

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(including turning you into a wild boar)

For real? Can you stab people as a wild boar?

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Rocket, It's nice of you to offer to replace gear etc. You might notice there is a thread about this also in the bug forums I posted in last night.

But this is alpha man, we are here to find these types of bugs for you. I also lost quite a bit of gear (miss my gps the most), and a character i have played for over a week. But i expect that in an alpha phase. We find the bugs for you, and you can fix 'em. No stress. :)

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