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Road flares suck so how about..

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Gasoline lanterns? Powered by a match, and the wick burns out after about 23 hours. You can see a road flare from several miles away....a lantern isn't as easily picked out.

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They don't suck, and theres another post like this literally made less than 4 hours ago. And a light is a light at night and while yes road flares are MEANT to be seen from a distance you would still see a latern from far away, you still get beans for the suggestion however for alternate sources of light.

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There has already been a topic with the same exact name posted very recently... anyway 23 hours is a bit exteme lol... maybe half an hour to an hour depending on the rarity of the materials needed. Beans for the suggestion though.

Edited by TheBambiAvenger
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To be honest, most people see the same issues or have similar ideas, this is very commun becasue we all have a brain and reason. So I think if you can get a small screen letting you know about similar posts ones you start a post and type in the post tittle specialy.

Also, I don't have the patience of seaching page after page for anyone making the same comment or idea I have. But yeah I'll try, don't get me wrong. Shit if I see somone telling me that the same post was made like 5 secs ago, I'll be like lets merge posts :) because you know that means? That someone was making the same post at the same time i was posting it just didn't show as It takes about 5 to 7 mins to make a small post on average. Shit mine takes about a hour depending how many pics or viedeos I upload.

I think the road flares are ok if you want to make signals at night or mark a spot just like the smoke nades. But a cool way to have a light sourse I think would be like the guys up above '' I want options.. many options". Or to grab a branch from a tree ( and please dont let that message saying "you need to be near a forrest in order for this to work" ) get some cloth fom the zombies or dead playas, or even your own clothing, of cours showing the damage on clothing. now that would be prime.

Find some gas like in the gas station(now this is where the gastation pumps comes into action) or a jerrycan. Even some pork grease will do the job.

What I'm getting at is that the more options, the more realistic this game will feel. You get this games that are some what equal to real life graphics wise and in the environment, but when you get very limited options make in it unrealistic. This game has already a great wide range of options, this is why I'm in love with it. There is still more room for more and more. The more options you get the more real it becomes and might find your self inmersed in the game. Now that is top class gaming man

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Why? just merge the topics.

Oh wow, another human being with the same ideas oh nooo! lol

Everyone have the same ideas rom time to time dude, is called being an inteligent human being with a side of tought. Actually be greatly happy that some one else thinks this is a good idea and hopefully this would be taken into consideration to make come true. Now that would be really awesome man. Any Ideas that people post will be out of love man, just love.

Edited by madhellsing

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You shut your mouth. Road flares are the best damn thing in the game.

I like playing at night, just so I can run around like an idiot throwing flares everywhere.

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There has already been a topic with the same exact name posted very recently... anyway 23 hours is a bit exteme lol... maybe half an hour to an hour depending on the rarity of the materials needed. Beans for the suggestion though.

In the 2009 icestorm, when I had no power in my Boston home, my gasoline lantern stayed lit for about 20-24 hours before the wick died out.

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Dude, you're using the exact same title as another thread AND posted this one an hour after he made his. Remember that post where you were whining about people hating you? This is why.

Not true, and I never whined about people hating me? If I gave a damn about people on an internet forum hating me, i'd have quit

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They don't suck.. You just use them the wrong way. You're not supposed to throw it near you, you throw them in towns from a long distance to see the surroundings.

The lantern you're looking for is a chemlight. Red chemlights are the best, if you drop one to the ground and move away from it, it fades away at 40 meters.

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You DARE insult the road flares! My friend, you have no respect for those that risk their lives for a bit of light!

Plus, sometimes you just need flares/chemlights. Talking about these reminds me of my first time playing DayZ. Respawning to spawn at Kamenka, then head north in the night.

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They don't "suck". Rather you're doing it wrong, or you're color blind towards the color red.

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NVG. That's all you need :)

But seriously when i don't have nvg I love using road flares / chemlights. I think it would be cool to have a lantern, either battery powered, or oil.

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Road flares don't suck, chemlights do.

none of them suck, they both have their use

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The human eye can see a single candle on a clear night for miles, even though you see a flare from a distance in arma I doubt it is anywhere near the real view distance of an rl flare because that would be very very far indeed!

still, Im down for some alternate light sources with shorter view distances, as long as its balanced.

also just want to add that torches currently suck balls but I'm sure we all know that... hint hint rocket

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Road flares don't suck, chemlights do.

3 different servers, 20 different chemlights, red, blue & green, no matter how i ask in direct chat (loveing & aggresive) none of them have put on lipstick & sucked me. So unless you have some vids or screen shots i'm not believing you.

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I want a wood-burning stove, alternate light source...

and alternate cooking source.

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Road flares are great for large scale illumination, but aren't the best personal lights. Besides illuminating half a town, if held they tend to blind the user to anything beyond a few metres radius.

Chemlights give off a weaker light, but are tactically subtle, last longer and don't peripherally blind the holder like flares.

Personally I use flashlights most of the time, for the convenience of instant on/off control, a directed beam and the ability to signal others.

Military flashlights are red, making them harder to spot from a distance and the least blinding ... but both can be carried on the tool belt. Job done.

How about relatively rare Maglite torches that can be attached to weapons like the Remington 870's? Compound crossbow with flashlight anybody?

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does it still wig out the game if you put the military torch on your shoulder?

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I've not tried that one and now curiosity will get the better of me :lol:

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