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GTX670 Fps Issue.

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Hi guys, first time poster here.

I have a question for any gtx 670 owners out there.

What type of fps do you get when playing DayZ? When i play a game like Crysis 2 etc i get 60 FPS no problem, but i cant seem to get a steady fps with this game.

I average 40 FPS going as low as 20 fps in cherno.

My settings are a mixture or very high and medium.

My system;-


Gigabyte GTX 670


8GB 1600MHz Ram

Thanks !

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It's just DayZ being DayZ - due to the nature of the game being a mod on an engine that's not entirely suited or designed for it, there are serious optimization issues. I've got a similar system (i7-3770 instead of the i5), and I get similar framerates to you. There's not really much you can do about it other than just live with it until the standalone hits. :)

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Hehe, nah - it's the same for everyone. The general rule of thumb I always use is 'what do I get in any other current game at high to max settings?' then subtract 15-20 from that, and that's roughly what you'll get on the same settings in DayZ. :D

Edited by Target Practice

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i've a similar set up with a 1tb harddrvie and found running dayz off a virtual ram drive helped particularly with scoping lag - there are plenty of guides how to do it on google..

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Yep I get around the same #'s as everyone else here. Sometimes to make me feel better I'll go on a empty or low pop server and run around in the woods to hit 70 FPS to feel good. Most of the time recently I've been looking at a You Died screen more than anything though :).

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I'm getting around 50-60 unless i go into large cities.. then drops to 30s....


32gb ram



Now if i'm in starey and a heli flies over and spawns everything.. I get about 15 :(

Edited by Gooober

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Your CPU is bottleknecking you and I heard this game only uses 2 cores etc..

I have a 660 and have better frames than you due to the processor being better, its a nice investment if you just get an i5-3570k as nothing more is needed and its only about $230. Then if you get the right cooling you can overclock it to become even greater and i haven't done that yet because I need a new cpu fan + thermal paste.

The game is poorly optimized

I can run battlefield 3 on ultra with MSAA and all them goodies.. I noticed though that the setting in game for the trees and grass tends to take a nice hit on my system so without that turned on it's usually doing great.

Edited by Zyromkiru

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