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Lighting errors when zooming in.

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Hey guys just started playing again today and I've been having a weird bug where sometimes when I zoom in the ground turns black and the sky white. It's impossible to see in and I have to log out to fix it. Tried flushing, didn't work. Here's a screenshot.8MZxpaI.png

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No I haven't. I would rather do a one by one changing of options. Think I'm going to start with changing video memory to default instead of high.

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lol ok that didn't work. Made it happen faster. What would you suggest changing next? I'm thinking the PPAA. It's on FXAA sharp filter normal.

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Hmmm, maybe it's that my aspect ratio is set to 16:10 and not 16:9 for my 1920x1080 monitor?

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Wierd, I honestly have no idea though. Just as a heads up always keep your video memory on default as that allows the game to use everything you have, the other options limit it. Crazy but true.

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Let me also disable my overclock. It's quite possible the memory overclock I have on my 6950 is unstable for DayZ seeing as how it's a stressful game on video memory.

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