Ardoetia 0 Posted June 18, 2012 I have a few ideas of features that can make this game better and more realistic;First off, to improve the concept of real bandits, which would improve that robbing people could be a possibility, is to be able to ruin weapons by shooting it. This would be very effective and will improve the possibility of robbing people (This when I have skins in mind). This can be used to neutralize people if you do not wish to kill a player and want to escape. Does this should make the weapon unusable. Zombies should not be able to ruin the weapon.Secondly, the possibility to stun/nonlethal posion/ other non lethal solutions to improve survivalbility for people that does not wish to kill people. This would be a great way to avoid killing people and escaping without making too much noise.Aswell as there should be another kind of pulling method with the use of sound, of which the zombies investigate instead of instantly knowing where you are when you fire a weapon. I don't know if this has been added with the patch though.Making Ghillie suit more effective against infected, so that how visible you are would decrease with the use of ghillie suit. Atleast in grass.And to increase the realism with the game it could be possible to add the possibility to use shotgun shells and box of matches to stop bleeding. (Using the gun powder in the shotgun shell in the wound and ignite it). This could use 1 of the bullets for realism. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Haplo (DayZ) 44 Posted June 21, 2012 these are cool, especially using shells to cauterize the wound :P badass..when you fire a shot, i don't think zombies know exactly where you. they will go to the exact spot the sound came from, but if you've effectively hidden, i'm pretty sure they lose interest Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-III 1 Posted June 22, 2012 +1 for non lethal take downs! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ipod732 1 Posted June 26, 2012 The non lethal stuff should help stop player killing and ease up on inexperienced players(like me). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kane (DayZ) 0 Posted June 26, 2012 Don't like the first one, I like the second one since you can do all sorts of mean stuff to people like steal their backpack/weapons or watch zombies eat them as they are passed out.Bandits will have so much fun with the noobs, it will be like shooting them in the legs only alot more worse/fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 46 Posted June 26, 2012 Yes to the zombies not scrambling toward the sounds of gunshots and yes to everything else. +1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ferrell 0 Posted June 26, 2012 I'd like to see the ability to rob players, or some non-lethal take down, where you could rummage their pack. But it seems to me that it all hinges on players being able to disconnect at will. To make it possible you have to find a way that robbing someone would be more rewarding than killing someone, being robbed is less punishing than being murdered, and disconnecting is worse than being murdered. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites