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Hacker Teleported me to Unleaveable Area

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Hey. So I had finally downloaded day z, all excited and everything. I find a place, get a gun. Then a message comes up, and it says "HAHAHA, YOU SUCK! SUCK MY MONKEY B*lls!". After that I was teleported to an area of which Is very flat, and I cannot escape. I have been trying for two hours to either die, or find a way out. My last resort is here. I ask very kindly that an Admin or someone with the capability to get me back into the map, It'd be greatly appreciated.

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Without saying what server, no-one can do anything for you.

In the end, you could leave DayZ open and wait for your character to starve or die of thirst.

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Yeah. After two and a half hours (DAMN MY GUY HAS A GUT OF STEEL), I finally died. Thank you very much for the reply :)

More like damn your guy is weak.

Do you die of starvation if you don't eat for 150 minutes?

If so, my heart goes out to you, and I hope the modern science can find a cure for whatever you're sick with.

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man
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You can also try to hit the respawn button in the main menu... it's kinda tricky cause you need to be quick (or lucky :D not sure which 1 applies). But if you manage to hit this button, you'll die and respawn...

Might also work to change video resolution while in game.. my mate died doing that when his char was ingame.. not sure if this was a bug or he clicked something else though :D

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A simpler solution, if you are talking about public hive servers, is to connect once to one of my servers. Teleported characters are teleported back to the nearest map boundary, and near shore if he is in the water.

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Yeah. After two and a half hours (DAMN MY GUY HAS A GUT OF STEEL), I finally died. Thank you very much for the reply :)

Then when you get in a firefight you get one-shotted with a makarov. lol

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You could try hit the respawn button. Takes some pratice but if you align the mouse next to the respawn box its possible. Pretty easy if you run dayz on a shitty laptop like me.

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