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Arma 2 Editor for Taviana

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Hey guys, does anyone know the patch to use editor for taviana? most of the patches i've used has a green ui which is a lot different and i wanted the brown ui which has all the features?

Thank you.

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If you're just talking about the Arma 2 Editor then the UI which is Green is ARMA 2 and the brown UI is for Operation Arrowhead which has all the Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA content.

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You are trying to get to the "multiplayer editor" not the regular editor?

Go multiplayer screen and on the left bottom there is a button called "NEW" press that and go on from there to the editor.

And there is a 3D editor too, 1 game 3 editors :)

Main menu and "alt" + "e" gives the 3d editor

missions created in editor will be somewhere in your : /my documents/arma/yourname/mpmission

Edited by Allie

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If you're just talking about the Arma 2 Editor then the UI which is Green is ARMA 2 and the brown UI is for Operation Arrowhead which has all the Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA content.

Some patches have a Green UI but it is in ARMA 2 OA meaning that editor is disabled for that patch, I've got it to work now thanks anyways

Whoever wants to know what patch it is to use Taviana it is 1.5.0

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