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The bar room massacre.

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This was easily the most entertaining thing that has happened to me so far in this game I feel like i have to share:

So I had been killed by bandits quite a bit recently so I was very jumpy on my fresh spawn. I had run over to cherno to do a quick run through on gear. Hitting the fire station I picked up an ak74 and one mag. I then ran down the street to the bar in the center of town. I went to the back, I turned in to the room and standing there were two survivors, I jumped, I panicked, I shot! they both dove down and started shooting back! Not one second later, two more people ran in to the same room and took cover opening fire! Soon, no one knew who was who and were just shooting whoever they could. I killed one! I got clipped and went down, I wasn't bleeding to badly but I was unconsious on the ground surrounded by bodies, the last two shot and shot again, one got killed, the other hit badly went to the ground and didnt move two feet before bleeding out. Heart pounding, I finally come to consiousness, quickly bandage, search a couple of the corpses around me (at this point my vision is permanently blurry) find the nearest door and split!

It took about 10 minutes before it all sank in, at which point I laughed hysterically at my luck! Five people in one room in the back of a bar shooting the hell out of eachother, and the only reason I was the only one out of there is because I passed out halfway through the mayhem.

Obviously you would have to be there to really experience the exhilaration but I hope you enjoyed my story ;)

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As soon as everyone was in the room firing you should have typed, "FRIENDLY?" in the side chat, just to confuse everyone all to hell.

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Nice! Moments like this which make this game brilliant :D

You just can't retell these stories properly to friends who dont play, you have to experience it for yourself :D

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that story is reminiscent of a certain tarantino movie.

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