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My character won't save

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I have been playing now for abit and watched serveral youtube vids about DayZ (as I seen it looks like old versions of DayZ). They talk about server hop, that my character gets saved on an external central database and when you join another server you should start where you left of.

I mostly played on the same server getting and stockpiling stuff and some servers dissapere so I goto find new and start from fresh that didn't bug me then. But recently when I got my friends to come play with me I started to wonder why my char wasn't saving. First I used PlaywithSIX and read some random PwS vs DayZCommander so I swapped to that thought I was playing on unoffical servers but no. Couldn't join the server with DayZC that I could with PwS (think it was something with an rMod2).

So 3 questions:

- Is the char save some bug?

- What is better: PlaywithSIX or DayZCommander?

- What is the different to play on servers you select in-game Arma2 then an external launcher?

P.S. I start Steam before I start playing DayZ and check updates with Commander (since it looks more bugfree) so I suppose everything is up-to-date. D.S.


EDIT: Typo.

Edited by n00bl0r14n

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First of all, it shouldn't matter what launcher you are using. I personally love DayZCommander. It makes PlaywithSIX look like shit.

Before you join servers you need to check if they are public or a private hive. Public servers will save your gear across all other public servers. Private hives will only save your gear on that singular server. Tents and cars will only be saved on a single public server although the gear on your person can transfer across different public servers.

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Thx for the quick reply. I have been advoiding the private/whitelist servers and been on public servers. Always started fresh.

Any pros and cons about the launchers?

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DayZCommander is quickly updated with new patches, features all the maps as easy one click downloads, has one click ArmaII Beta patches, shows all outdated versions, and has a ton more filter options than the other.

As for private hives and whitelists, you will never see a hacker on whitelisted servers and I see very few on the private hives I play on. I've gone four months so far on my private hive and never seen a hacker. One came on once for about 5 minutes and then was instantly banned.

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Ok nice I understand the whitelist is good for anti-hacking. Since I start fresh everytime I avoided the whitelist thought it was unoffical since no char save and tried others. I would like to server hop to visit friends and show them around and have decent stuff so I can help them to a good start and so on. So I have concentrated my efforts on one server to get good stuff until my char saves and I can visit them. He have some issues with both launchers so they can't join the server I'm on and it would be a huge advantage if I had my stuff with me so I can play pranks on em just for giggles too ^^

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Today when I played on DayZ DE xxxx servers I had all my stuff even if I switched servers.

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