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Standalone Weather; more predictable/effective on player's condition

Improved weather system.  

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Hey guys, TIC here bringing you guys another idea which came upon my mind. What if weather had more of an effect instead of getting sick/cold?

For a heads-up; I have used the search function and while there are some topics retaining this suggestion, mine goes down to detail of how it could put an effect around for players and possibly zombies alike.

Confirmed for Standalone as of now;
  • Volumetric clouds.
  • Improved Dynamic weather pattern/system.

Warm/hot weather
clear skies with low winds, clouds will not be able to provide shade from cloud layers.
  • Gives you a faster chance of getting dehydrated while doing strenuous/mild activities such as sprinting, running and so-forth.
  • Wearing lighter clothing can help reduce the chances of getting 'too hot' .. Even if that means running around in your briefs. Could increase infection probability.
  • Drinking a lot of fluids would give you a longer time where you won't suffer these effects like a heatstroke or dehydration
  • Introduce ice packs; which could be found in mostly grocery stores and residential areas to reduce core temperature to a certain degree.
  • Possibility of having muscle cramps as one of the symptoms; fainting, heat exhaustion, and a heatstroke could play a role without proper care.
  • Zombies could experience their corpse rotting at a faster rate as heat increases core temperature.
  • Staying indoors, being in the car, staying in the shade and so-forth will keep you cool.
  • Expect more animals to be around lakes during this time.

Symptoms on the Player:

Mild: Expect to be thirsty faster, small increase of being exhausted
Moderate: Breathing increases at a faster rate, exhaustion will follow if doing physical activities. Fainting increased.
Severe: Possible respiratory problems, shaking or muscle spasms will occur, increase fainting then death.

Thicker cloud layer blocking the sun, reduces temperature significantly with snow.

  • Zombies will move at a slower rate due to being warm blooded(they're not dead, just infected with a virus) an udnead body is able to produce glycoprotein or something related to it. It would have a workable system that no longer needs internal temperature to function. Zombies would be more likely to move slower in extreme cold, their blood would never convert into a solid, continuing to flow and power through the body.
  • Players would have to find more clothing, T-Shirt and shorts wouldn't be suitable ;)
  • Have to find an empty space on the ground to make a fire instead on top of snow.
  • Depending on the parts; the vehicle would endure the snowy environment which would mean slippery road conditions.
  • Some lakes could become frozen, making it a bit harder to find water. Water not being frozen? Expect it to be very cold to swim in.
  • Decreased animal count due to being in their burrows/dens

Symptoms on the Player:

Mild: Shivering, making aiming a bit difficult; similar to being in pain but shivering could draw attention. Could be solved by holding breath.
Moderate: Decreased movement speed, perhaps some vision altering changes.
Severe: Expect hearing a slow heart-rate; unable to do certain actions, walking could be impossible. Death follows shortly.

Liquid water in a form of droplets being condensed from water vapor and then being precipated.

  • Depending on the volume of the rain, it could affect your immune system. Increases chance of getting an infection/sickness.
  • Making roads more slippery to drive on.
  • Decreases sound of footsteps the player makes from the rain masking the sound. Wind could contribute to this factor.
  • Animals will decrease at a small amount, their pattern will change.
  • Zombies won't be affected by rain.

Symptoms on the Player:

Mild: Shivering, making aiming a bit difficult; similar to being in pain but shivering could draw attention. Could be solved by holding breath.
Moderate: Could hear your character sneezing or coughing, shivering increases. Possible fever can endure.
Severe: Infection starts to increase it's strength without care, your blood will drop to 0 at a certain rate.

Fog would decrease visibility heavily.

  • Enables players to sneak around easier visually but could hinder your sense of direction.
  • Using fog lamps which could be found on cars would make it easier to drive through, if available.
  • Zombies would have increased hearing but decreased sight, making it slightly easier to lose them in this condition.

Symptoms on the Player: None at this moment.


Topic Glossary by TIC321(Will be edited for enhanced navigation)

()Gold Star represents it's been confirmed for Standalone.

:thumbsup: :beans:

Edited by TIC321
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Nice, I like it. A few additions to some of the features, though:

In warm weather, wearing light clothing will keep you cooler but have and increased risk of infection from zombie attacks (Less coverage)

When shivering, holding breath/zooming in will stop the shivering for a short period of time.

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Nice, I like it. A few additions to some of the features, though:

In warm weather, wearing light clothing will keep you cooler but have and increased risk of infection from zombie attacks (Less coverage)

When shivering, holding breath/zooming in will stop the shivering for a short period of time.

I'll add those into their rightful categories, thanks for contributing :)

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Zombies could experience their corpse rotting at a faster rate as heat increases core temperature.

The zombies are not rotting. They're alive, just influenced by a severe decease. (Look up '28 Days Later.')

Staying indoors, being in the car, staying in the shade and so-forth will keep you cool.

Sitting in a car when it's hot outside should increase your body-temperature, not cool it down. Cars are hot as butts during summertime.

Have to find an empty space on the ground to make a fire instead on top of snow.

You can actually make a fireplace onto snow. It won't burn all that well when you first light it up, but the snow will melt and the ground will dry out pretty quickly. Depending on how much snow is under the firewood, of course.

Redness for.. Red?

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Redness for.. Red?

I should've put 'staying in the car while moving' .. I know staying in a car stationary when it's hot is not a good idea, common sense.

I'll fix it later :)

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I will continue to update this topic under your participation of sharing ideas and such.

I think currently the weather system is bugged on how it affects your temperature. For most times, it remains the same and doesn't really create much of a factor towards the player unless you are in the water.

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I'm sorry but an improved weather system is kinda a none question. If you were to ask how you'd like to see the weather system improved then; that would be a question.

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That would be the question of this thread.

Improved weather should have a further effect on players. :)

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would be nice if we could use tents as a way to get out of the elements in rough weather instead of just storage.

your vulnerability to getting sick because of the weather should be based on how well your gear protects you from those elements.

ie, if you're wearing a tshirt and shorts and its raining or snowing you're more susceptible to sickness. in some weather staying near a fire or inside a tent might be the only way to survive the night, as in snowy climates temperatures can reach below 130. without some seriously insulated gear you're going to be screwed in the elements.

speaking of snow, i really hope we get a map with snow, as its the easiest weather to track something in... realistic footprints in the snow for humans and animals would make hunting extremely satisfying.

i also wouldn't mind my visibility being cut down if it was for a good reason, like extreme rain or snow, but just having fog to have fog to decrease the view distance imo is pretty crappy. i know its to reduce people sniping from long distances but add real wind ballistics to the standalone and then it will be a challenge, and those people that have the hardware can take advantage of something that would take incredible skill to do consistently.

Edited by djzombie
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would be nice if we could use tents as a way to get out of the elements in rough weather instead of just storage.

your vulnerability to getting sick because of the weather should be based on how well your gear protects you from those elements.

ie, if you're wearing a tshirt and shorts and its raining or snowing you're more susceptible to sickness. in some weather staying near a fire or inside a tent might be the only way to survive the night, as in snowy climates temperatures can reach below 130. without some seriously insulated gear you're going to be screwed in the elements.

speaking of snow, i really hope we get a map with snow, as its the easiest weather to track something in... realistic footprints in the snow for humans and animals would make hunting extremely satisfying.

Actually you can. Just prone inside your tent man ;) actually keeps you out the rain and keeps you warm too.

For clothes, that's for Standalone

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would be nice if we could use tents as a way to get out of the elements in rough weather instead of just storage.

your vulnerability to getting sick because of the weather should be based on how well your gear protects you from those elements.

ie, if you're wearing a tshirt and shorts and its raining or snowing you're more susceptible to sickness. in some weather staying near a fire or inside a tent might be the only way to survive the night, as in snowy climates temperatures can reach below 130. without some seriously insulated gear you're going to be screwed in the elements.

speaking of snow, i really hope we get a map with snow, as its the easiest weather to track something in... realistic footprints in the snow for humans and animals would make hunting extremely satisfying.

i also wouldn't mind my visibility being cut down if it was for a good reason, like extreme rain or snow, but just having fog to have fog to decrease the view distance imo is pretty crappy. i know its to reduce people sniping from long distances but add real wind ballistics to the standalone and then it will be a challenge, and those people that have the hardware can take advantage of something that would take incredible skill to do consistently.

it would be possible. I red in DAYZ Mercenaries you can also sleep in your tent for example....

I wonder, that dayz has not this feature? There are so many improved things in dayz origins and dayz mercenaries...

Edited by TiMEDANCE
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it would be possible. I red in DAYZ Mercenaries you can also sleep in your tent for example....

I wonder, that dayz has not this feature? There are so many improved things in dayz origins and dayz mercenaries...

yeah there should be another meter for sleep... it should be like being awake for two or 3 days straight(depending on how long yyou've been able to force your character to be able to stay awake previously(sort of building a tolerance to the lack of rem sleep) but eventually you always crash unconscious if you dont sleep.

a sleeping bag would be another item we could add to the top or bottom of the packs once found, or on the back of a motorcyle/quad/trunk of a vehicle to move around with less weight.

Edited by djzombie
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