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Bug or Hacker? Spawned midair

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Hey, i love the game but its getting frustrating.

Today i joined 2 seperate servers where i spawned ~5-10m in the air.

Fell down and died. Both times i had lots of stuff..

There was one player on the first server and 8 portrait pictures in the bottom left, the 2nd server was empty.

Is this a bug or a hacker?

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Edited by Gooober

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maybe it's a bug..you should try to log out and in until you log in and you are at about 1m high..and in any case your body will be there with all your gear..specially if you respawn without your stuff

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maybe it's a bug..you should try to log out and in until you log in and you are at about 1m high..and in any case your body will be there with all your gear..specially if you respawn without your stuff

well i actually tried to panically alt+f4 but it didnt work.

and the whole server was bugged, all the spawn locations were messed up.

i respawned around a bit, visited debug island and non standard spawns. some of them mid air.

couldnt get my stuff back, even tried running to where i died on another server and switching but something always went wrong on the original server.

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