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DayZ server with wasteland mod

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Hello! I was wondering if there is any DayZ servers with the Wasteland mod installed? That would be awesome.

Thanks, this is all i wondered about ^^

(PS: sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, please move it if yes)

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Sorry, DayZ with the Wasteland mod? Isnt wasteland just dayz without zombies? inwhich case you either just play dayz or wasteland

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Sorry, DayZ with the Wasteland mod? Isnt wasteland just dayz without zombies? inwhich case you either just play dayz or wasteland

No. Wasteland got a genius Basebuilding system and a nice vehicle spawning system.

Basebuilding is made MUCH easier in wasteland mod than in many of the DayZ Basebuilding servers.

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If you want both, go play wasteland. DayZ doesn't need all the vehicles.

Also both are separate mods so it isn't possible... Let alone the fact it would be boring

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Wasteland isn't a mod, DayZ is.

And no, there aren't any servers that do this thankfully. Go play wasteland.

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