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Different Lighting abilities at Night

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Hey guys, just a quick suggestion to put in, for different lighting abilities to be introduced at night. I just wanted to get your input and whether you think there should be more lighting apparatus during night, for example different types of torches, flares etc.

What I suggest, is maybe those torches/flashlights which can be strapped on your head? Like those LED Torches which have a strap which goes around your head, a lot of people use them, and they are very realistically applied at night. They are used in fishing, hiking, you name it, so it would be perfectly fine to introduce them and it would make sense. Also for players who join a night server, they'd be able to use all their primary weapons, without having to sacrifice their view of the surroundings, and be able to defend themselves more effectively when looting and entering towns/escaping from threats like zombies.

But I want to get your view on this and see what others think.


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Something about lighting I think would be nice and useful, since rocket is introducing the crafting system, why not stick a flashlight to your rifle with duck tape?

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Haha yeah, that would be a cool thing to do!

But having a specific loot spawn for one item you can just strap on your head, and be able to use everything without being effected, restricted or disadvantaged, because at the moment if you choose to hold your flashlight, you can't really defend yourself and are very easily picked off by bandits. Plus It'd be an awesome thing to introduce, its readily available and used in real life for the same purposes!

Edited by Lillouislim

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I wanna see trip flares. I'm not sure what the proper name is but they have them in Arma2 already I think. When they're activated it shoots a flare into the sky and lights up quite a large area for 5 mins or so. It'd be a great way of lighting an area without giving away your position too much and a good way of lighting up sniper spots or tree lines.

Edited by Fraggle

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In an ideal world : Fire propagation.

As a more manageable target, I'd like to be able to hold a pistol in one hand and a torch in the other.

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That sounds like an great idea too! You'd be able to light up the area, without having to chuck the flare in a specific place, revealing your location. There are so many more possibilities for lighting, at the moment, those geared up players with Nightvision and what not are the ones with the advantage, you an implement so much more options to make it more fair for players!

Also being able to hold a flashlight and a pistol makes sense, although they'd have to tweak the recoil and aim and what not, but its still a good idea for players without nightvision goggles to defend themselves

Edited by Lillouislim

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check this out

and no one even needs torches anymore :)

Edited by h3retic
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The biggest problem so far is that nights aren't an uniform experience, by exploiting gamma/brightness you can create your own black/white NVGs if there's just the slightest hint of moonlight.

I wouldn't mind headlamps, almost as rare as NVGs or a handgun/flashlight shooting stance, however I still think sprinting with a flashlight, should work as it currently does, except for headlamps obviously. Maybe you could also combine a woodpile with some cloth and gas to create your own burning torch. But a firm two-handed grip on a G17 with an flashlight attachment, should be more stable and accurate than dual wielding a handgun and a flashlight/torch.

I'm also looking forward to battery life getting implemented.

Edited by Dallas
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I wanna see trip flares. I'm not sure what the proper name is but they have them in Arma2 already I think. When they're activated it shoots a flare into the sky and lights up quite a large area for 5 mins or so. It'd be a great way of lighting an area without giving away your position too much and a good way of lighting up sniper spots or tree lines.

These are already in the mod, but you need a weapon with an attached GL, and a flare round for it. Also, they only last for maybe a minute, not 5.

The biggest problem so far is that nights aren't an uniform experience, by exploiting gamma/brightness you can create your own black/white NVGs if there's just the slightest hint of moonlight.

Wasn't the gamma setting overridden by the server a long time ago (>6 months?), so that you can't use the gamma setting to give yourself night vision any more?

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These are already in the mod, but you need a weapon with an attached GL, and a flare round for it. Also, they only last for maybe a minute, not 5.

Wasn't the gamma setting overridden by the server a long time ago (>6 months?), so that you can't use the gamma setting to give yourself night vision any more?

You still can, although moonless nights are still pitch black.

I want flare guns.

Slower falling flares would be nice too.

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check this out

and no one even needs torches anymore :)

The lighting just shouldn't be pitch black nor should it look all pixelated

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No, those are not trip flares. Trip flares are a Soviet concoction designed to, as the book "The Bear Went Over the Mountain: Soviet Combat Tactics in the Soviet-Afghan War" put it, "wake the sleepiest sentry and get everyone's attention."

They are, in essence, fireworks on a tripwire. And I mean fireworks. Three colors of rocket flying up into the air with sound effects.

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