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Where does the humvee spawn?

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Where does it spawn this has been asked a few times before but nobody ever seems to get the answer so im asking again ecasue someone must know

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Not telling.

No point in making another Topic asking a question that nobody is going to answer, is there !

Why don't you go find it yourself ?

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Not sure, I'm not really fussy when it comes to vehicles I'll take anything going.

Personally if I was looking for a Hummer I would be searching the NW and NE airfields but that is just a guess!

EDIT: The guy that posted above me had already replied before I hit post lol

Edited by Shakis

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It's a trap...

Going to go check this out on my fresh vehicle spawn server,,, Hopefully it is not a trap...

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Found a humvee spawn about 300m to the east of the town on the right of the nw airfield

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Thanks for the replies and for a forum admin boneboys you not very "nice"

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found it there.

pretty sure its a legit spawnpoint because it was broken down and had no wheels at all.

but dont even get it, its not worth the trouble.

has 12 inventory spots. 12. what the hell?

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I found the HMMWV on the east side of Black lake (which is to the east of the NE airfield). I can confirm that it was not moved there because it was found on my private server were there where only three of us and i was in communication with both of them at the time.

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