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Ingame map

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Does anyone else get weird marks on their map, i would sometimes mark my camps or places i want to go to.But on next login into the game they would be gone, but there are new ones that i didnt place.Im really confused

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1. everyone on the server can see your marks and you can see theirs.

2. change your channel to "vehicle" to place marks only for yourself

3. Your marks are not permanent. (Serverrestart? Dissconnect? dont know)

4. Safest solution: Mark the grid numbers on a piece of paper to remember a location

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1. everyone on the server can see your marks and you can see theirs.

2. change your channel to "vehicle" to place marks only for yourself

3. Your marks are not permanent. (Serverrestart? Dissconnect? dont know)

4. Safest solution: Mark the grid numbers on a piece of paper to remember a location

That could be why so many peoples camps get busted after an hour of setting up.

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I purposely mark stuff like "my tent" or "vehicle hiding spot" on weird places on the map to trick people into wasting an hour of their life investigating it.

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I purposely mark stuff like "my tent" or "vehicle hiding spot" on weird places on the map to trick people into wasting an hour of their life investigating it.

I did somthing similar, I went on a shooting spree in Chern, killed about 30 people and marked all their corpses on the map.

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We were really glad that someone put a big marker called "BOAT" just north of us one night. Boy did we have fun driving that Zodiac around.... but I bet they had a long walk.. :)

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Looks like i missed out on some free loot, saw so many markers on some servers.

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