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FPS issue

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Hi everyone, i have terrible fps when playing day z but i got decent computer :lol: , My Computer specs : AMD FX 4100 Quadcore Processor 3.60ghz , 8GB ram ,Amd Radeon HD 7770 1GB ,GHZ edition Any tweaks or help will be appreciated :P, I tried going in arma2oa folder to change GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1


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If you've got Radeon, one tip that I haven't seen much on the forums is to use DayZ Commander's 'Force Direct3D9' option.

I tried it with my nVidia GT540m (laptop), and the FPS/smoothness improved noticeably, but some textures got messed up

so I had to disable it again.

The only other setting that made any difference was setting the 3D rendering to the low settings. I play with 1920x1080 (interface) and 1280x720 (3D render). Looks like absolute crap and I still get less than 20 FPS, but at least it isn't a slideshow.

A lot of people suggest selecting 'high' settings so that 'your GPU handles it instead of your CPU', but that just decreases FPS for me so I've got everything set to 'disabled'.

You've got a huge disadvantage if you play at low FPS and with blocky/blurred graphics, because to spot anything it has to be moving. The most annoying thing for me is that everyone else on Teamspeak can see smoking crash sites hundreds of metres before it displays on my screen; I shudder to think how many I may have run past.

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Well. I did that too it helps a little. Yeah its huge disadvantage playing with terrible fps , I play with 25-40fps(elektro/cherno and not comfortable..

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