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zombies eye that reflect flash-light

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hi there,

i just had a great idea 2 days ago while looting at night with my flashlight,

it hited me to note that while pointing with my flash-light to some zeds, the first thing i noticed was their white hands ....

but i've had the idea to make those zeds eye reflecting light the same way it does while driving at night and some racoon waches you from the side of the road.

i dont have any name to this light reflexion ''type'' the only thing i've found is something called '' Tapetum Lucidum ''

here is an image to show you what i'm talking about,


and i'm sure everyone now what it is but no one seems to know whats the name of..

i'm pretty sure that adding this sort of '' tapetum lucidum '' to those zombies will make them a step more creepy at night

plese tell me what you think about my suggestion !

Edited by Ohly

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no its not my cat.... would be a bit too creepy

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i've just read and what your saying is true but ..... you know .. zombies they dont think about anything 'cept eating humans

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i know it probably be quite a deal to sort of programm this effect but i want it for sure !

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As much as I want this, it would make the game easier (kind of like it does wrt the Bloodsuckers in Stalker with their reflecting eyes). And if it is implemented, then other materials (food tins/glass/metal parts etc) should also reflect light.

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but if instead of first seeing their hand because they appear white when i point them with my flash-light,

wich is i think a lack of realism..

considering the zombies bodie's are in a kind of dead state, they're slowly rotting, so i've read a bit about the decompositing mecanism of dead bodies,

and it apear that all of our bodies extremities ( hand, feet, nose, ear, lips....) ... those body parts will all be the first to necroted ( or necrosis .. i dont know what one)

so .. considering this, the hands of the zombies should not be so bright when i point a flash-light to them. ( thats a suggestion)

second thing,

if we keep considering the zombies bodie's as dead, i think the eyes by night would reflect light in a certain way..

zombies are people that have been infected by some viruses.. and then they lose control of themselves ....

i'm asuming their pupil would be really dilated at all time.

so that would explain the eye reflexion, but its a fact that animals that use cornea reflexion (tapetum lucidum) have a best view in the dark than an healty man, but they are humans (kind of dead) but their view in the dark is the same as us... so they would not have a better view than us if you consider that even a cat that is able to use the behind the cornea reflexion to see better in the dark, its a fact that the light that is reflected provide a not focussed detail, so by night your cat see a lot more light than you but his view is blurier than you too.

at the end i conclude that if humans you point light at an human and his pupil would not react, he would see a LOT of light and if he could still see a thing, it would be a lot blury explaining why they wont really notice you as an healty human.

also, about the thing that this reflexion would make the game easier, we could make this reflexion observable in a certain range around you,

even with a little range of angle.

one last word, i've been told that this reflexion is easily observable with night vision gogle, because it uses infrared light and because the human eye does not absorb those frequencies of light...

i hope this reply answer a couple of things about how i think it could work biologicaly.

thank you

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This would be pretty neat, I don't really care about the realism or not, cause you are talking about zombies and glowing eyes on them.. But the idea of just moving around at night and make a turn and see those eyes will be priceless.

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no because of the very fact that these are still human. better add owls and cats for glowing eye experiences!

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no because of the very fact that these are still human. better add owls and cats for glowing eye experiences!

thanks , that definitly true, normaly humans have a low eyeshine, (I FINALY found the given name to what i'm talking about, : eyeshine)

animals have a stronger eyeshine than humans, but i've found this: link

its saying that humans can have a sort of eyeshine because of some health problem, if zombies were people that got a viruses, it could possibly cause the eye to shine, not as much as animals but this will give a reason to players to see this eyeshine at a close to mid range ( from 1m to 12 or 20m distance....

and if this eyeshine is the result of disease, we could add a random factor of zeds that present the eyeshine (at least 60% eyeshining)

or add this eyeshine to a ''specific zombie'' ( not the army zeds, most likely those old fat////tall civilian zombies)

just to clarify one thing, i dont mean to make their eye glow in the dark.. because that would be a big copy of the zomby mode in COD world at War (their eye is freaking glowing yellow)

what i mean (the suggestion) is to gently make their eye shine when you point your flashlight to them while they are in a 1m to 30m range of you. this eyeshine would be white and also making their hands less bright by night.

thank you

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