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ChernoChampionsHive - Public 24/7 Day (Heli-Lifting|Scrapping parts of vehicles|Auto-Refuel|Custom weapons/bases/debug) [|CH=ON|NP=OFF]


11 members have voted

  1. 1. Keep towing and heli lifting?

    • Yes i like it that way
    • No make it more realistic in a way

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Event starting now!

Me (owner cedric) Archy (admin) Kevin (mod) ghostllama (mod).

We will drive around with a humvee with a lot of stuff.

You needto defeat us and you will get all the stuffin that humvee.

We will be armed with normal M4A1's.

So get in now and show us what you got ;)

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Awesome EVENT starting come check it out allot of gear to be found!

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HACKERS Killed everyone rollback was made and people who just joined and lost there gear have been given back there gear

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