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How to make a good base

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How can I make a good, hard to find base? I have to get off of the game from 1-2 weeks at a time and I hate losing my car with a lot in it.

If I get a camping tent and have my car, is their any really good hiding places other than going to the edge of the map?

Also, last time I had a tent, I set it up and I couldnt take it down. Is it just like a one time use thingy?

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How can I make a good, hard to find base? I have to get off of the game from 1-2 weeks at a time and I hate losing my car with a lot in it.

If I get a camping tent and have my car, is their any really good hiding places other than going to the edge of the map?

Also, last time I had a tent, I set it up and I couldnt take it down. Is it just like a one time use thingy?

Good luck hiding anything for 2 weeks. You should just accept the fact that once you log out there is no gaurantee it'll be there when you get back. Whether you log out for 5 minutes or 2 weeks.

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There really is now way to "keep" all your stuff. Eventually people will find them. Try hard to reach places. Or places that people travel less often.

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How can I make a good, hard to find base? I have to get off of the game from 1-2 weeks at a time and I hate losing my car with a lot in it.

If I get a camping tent and have my car, is their any really good hiding places other than going to the edge of the map?

Also, last time I had a tent, I set it up and I couldnt take it down. Is it just like a one time use thingy?

there is no safe place ... i wander maps looking for the best hid tent ... and you know what? 9 times outta 10 i find it. if you want to keep it ... have it on your person. that is all.

Edited by Rott
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Well, if you're off one to two weeks at a time it's going to found about 90% of the time. I also wouldn't recommend asking on the forums because their's probably some bandit who will hunt you down.

In any case, think outside of the box, where no one will think to look, and just in case surround it with barbed wire as a last resort.

Edited by Calcunonn

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just build your camp on a region on the map where players would never have any reason to go to.... preferable far up north in the forgotten valleys on the far reach of the map

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What I do?

I find a nice outta the way spot for my car, tent, atv, whatever. Then I bait the area. A good vehicle that needs a wheel packed with a little loot. Maybe other tents near by but more noticable. I've never lost my main stash by following these tactics. Just try to give the illusion that the bait is the main camp.

An atv as your storage can be hidden in pine trees better than anything else. A UAZ where people would find it before stumbling on the atv would create the illusion. UAZ = goldmine for a bandit and your stash stays safe. Also, if the bait is taken, replace it asap to maintain the illusion.

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To quote a man whose name I have forgotten and whose wisdom was so great that I copied this into a notepad file on my desktop for future use:

Best thing to do is get a copy of the map open in photoshop or something similar, pinpoint the places you first went. Pinpoint the places where you regularly go. Pinpoint the places where you see most other people.

Now draw lines of travel too and from each of these points, making diversions for areas of cover or areas of interests between these points.

Dont include areas around the east and north edge of the map (if Chernarus)

Now look at the map.

Look at the least traversed areas of the map. Find un-enterable buildings, low yield buildings/sheds, buildings or places that arent even worth looking at that fall in the un-travelled areas. These are places to consider for bases and least likely to be found quickly.

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Do Not Make a Base.....

Then you will have things other do not.... So the others will try to get the things you have banned.....

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Hide stuff in plain sight. Places like right next to an unenterable out of the way house


...i kept a tractor and a tent full of gear next to Krasno for weeks on a server a while back, just jammed the tractor hard up against the house and plopped the tent right beside it. If i get a bike i will stash it in one of those small little wooden sheds that sit alone in the open fields, always a good idea to keep a wheel on you and take out the tyre before you log..pew pew, don't wanna make it too easy for them.

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You will never keep anything hidden as said above, one thing about dayz never get attached to your gear or vehicles. Easy come easy go, my most successful tent which somehow stayed for weeks was on the docks on a private server once. Hasnt worked since so I gave up on that one.

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Thanks. Some useful stuff. And i personally carry my best stuff.

I play a less populated server which should help too.

I like he idea to put distractions with decent stuff so people dont look for the base. Ill do that and do the map thingy.

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Another piece of advice is to not cluster your stuff all together. Whenever I find a vehicle hidden in the woods that I think is part of someone's stash, I always search the immediate area, and I'll often also find a tent or two and maybe another vehicle nearby. For my own camp, I always have two or three tents and two or three vehicles, with at least several hundred meters between each object.

Also, once you've got multiple vehicles and tents, don't segregate your gear. For example, DON'T put all your weapons and ammo in one tent, and all your food in another, and all your car parts in a third. Instead, say you've got two tents and two vehicles. First off, you need to figure out what stuff you're going to be putting on your character for when you log out. That should be your most important stuff. Next you want to sort your remaining stuff into four equal piles, one for each tent and vehicle. Each pile should have at least one good primary and secondary weapon in it and the associated ammo. Each pile should also have some food and medical supplies in it, as well as an assortment of the essential tools and a few car parts. Try to put an upgraded backpack in each pile, too. The goal should be that even if three of your four stashes are found, you'd still have at least one complete load out ready for you in case you need to recover from a death in a hurry.

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