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Lost my stuff after joining Non-Private hive server

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I have been playing a lot of non-private hive servers lately, so all of them should be working on the same database.

So yestoday i played on a DE #### server with my friend, We got ourself's a nice car, nice weapons'n stuff.

So today i joined the server, got in and stuff, took a car and spotted a helicopter crash. i went closer to it! And i got kicked with the normal Battleeye script restriction #45.

The point where i lose my stuff is, that when i joined back agian. i spawned in Electro with no gear at all, i have been trying to disconnect and connect 4 times now. And it does not work

Someone Help!

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Pro tip.

Dont Get attached to your gear.

Yes yes we know but that doesn't exactly help in resolving possible hidden bugs. OP if you're certain it was an official hive ( I made the mistake more than few times thinking of private hive being official due to lack of server description :rolleyes: )

I'm no expert on this but maybe the server was badly set up by admin/s?

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I expierienced some kind of this problem too.

Maybe you got shot at the helicrash(Bullets travel faster as sound so you wount hear the shot) and insteat of getting killed right you getting kicked. A faildeath, i had this befor too. Aftera faildeath you start with no gear(no flashlight, no bandages, no painkillers) Only your cloathes will stay, for exmaple if you die in a ghillie that way you still have the ghillie but all your gear is gone and you got no starter gear.

Whatever happend. There is no way to get your gear back.

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Some servers. Especially dayz origins only have saving gear on logout. So if you lose connection due to a kick, server restart or Internet failure, you will lose all your shit

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Some servers. Especially dayz origins only have saving gear on logout. So if you lose connection due to a kick, server restart or Internet failure, you will lose all your shit

This is good to know, and scary as hell.

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This is good to know, and scary as hell.

You should check out the server in my sig. We don't have any issues with that and will restore your lost gear if you legitimately lost it without dying.

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