communistsquared 8 Posted February 13, 2013 I think that DayZ needs some denser vegetation. Seriously. I walk through a forest, and it is empty as a wasteland, with trees randomly scattered far away from each other. I seriously want to go into a forest, slowly stumbling through thick bushes and trees, trying to find a campfire or a hidden shack. I want to run into a field and hide in the tall grass. I seriously think that denser vegetation will seriously improve the mechanics of the game. However, the only problem is older systems cannot support a lot of object like grass and bushes, but I hope there is a way around that. I also think that there shouldn't be an option to turn vegetation density down - turning it down will make you see all the people who are trying to hide in the vegetation. 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Raged 187 Posted February 13, 2013 Well, not a horrible first post.As for the suggestion itself, eh.I agree that there should defintely be more bush, and random thistle set pieces. But unless every blade of grass and every cattail is an independent piece, density seen at a distance will always be a player option. I am in no way a programmer/dev/artist, but I'm confident these are facts.-Rage Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hollenfeuer88 124 Posted February 13, 2013 Yeah it is kinda nice to see a usefull first post for once! And for the content of said post, I would love thicker forests. You Sir have some beans for not being a useless turd :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PracticalTactical 164 Posted February 13, 2013 This would be good! It does feel totally empty when you are walking through the woods which isn't bad in some cases, but it would be nice to have a variety of very, very dense vegitation and very open vegitation. Would improve the game allot! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flawless1 16 Posted February 13, 2013 As consoles get better, so will features like denser vegetation at distances and others as such. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 16 Posted February 13, 2013 As consoles get better, so will features like denser vegetation at distances and others as such.We're talking about an engine exclusively developped for PC here... So I'm not sure what you try to say here.Rocket talked about such issues like a player proned in the grass in an open field. He said the shaders were different for the SA.Hope they'll find a way to fix this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 192 Posted February 13, 2013 As consoles get better, so will features like denser vegetation at distances and others as such.Consoles? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Khoysta 17 Posted February 13, 2013 (edited) I think the guy means pc's and this will require time in order to cater for all DayZ players, even those with low spec pc's. Edited February 13, 2013 by Khoysta Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sinkatze 52 Posted February 13, 2013 I totally agree with this thread, the woods should be a much denser place and at the same time more dangerous, they are waaay to safe right now, feel free to give a bunch of ideas of how the woods should work, not sure anyone else has opened a thread, but it would definitely deserve it.Basically the main reason why forests are so plain, including maybe other terrain in the map, is because the map is huge! It would bring to much detail into one big world, thats why other games have smaller maps or are separated by zones and loading screens, thats also what makes ArmA such an inmersive game, there is no straight path to where you are going. But yeah working on the woods is definitely something I would like to see.As consoles get better, so will features like denser vegetation at distances and others as such.I play ArmA since Operation Flashpoint and it hasn't changed a bit, they only added more tree models, but then the reason is for what I stated above. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mzltv 2281 Posted February 13, 2013 As much as I agree, it's probably not gonna happen seeing as it'd require the map developers to go back and revise all of Chernarus... something that would take a vast amount of time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
voddler (DayZ) 367 Posted February 13, 2013 Maybe after a loooong time this can be done to the map Chernarus at least. If they plan on making new maps, which might take a pretty long time. Chernarus took almost two years if I remember correctly to create. It's a map with a lot of details as said, and if you want a map as good as Chernarus we might have to wait even longer. But I still support your idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hogscraper 328 Posted February 13, 2013 Performance might be the main reason. I read in an post on a Arma2 map making site that the number of types of trees/bushes impacts performance greatly. Maybe getting of one type of tree and swapping them for a larger bush that could break up lines of sight better would impact the forests in a better way. Adding zombie spawns would probably work as well to eliminate the safe feeling or maybe an animal that could attack you instead of blindly standing there eating grass. Packs of dogs feral dogs or wolves would be interesting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted February 13, 2013 I had a run around the new map Oring the other night - some parts of that were covered with dense scrubby bush. It was impossible to see very far and made for a nervy few moments when i stumbled across a crashed heli in a small clearing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Easy_Tiger (DayZ) 33 Posted February 13, 2013 Totally agree with the OP,I'm quite surprised that it took so long to create Chenarus considering the huge amount of re-used terrain objects used in arma 2. Its quite funny that nearly all the vegetation objects are over 10 years old, they are the same ones I saw when i played OFP over a decade ago all they have done is improve the textures (slightly).If they cant/wont increase the vegetation count then they need to enforce grass rendering at distance, its quite stupid that I can go prone in grass which I cant shoot through but a sniper 500 meters away CAN shoot through because the grass I see as cover is not rendered on his screen... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites