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Frustrations as a new player in Day Z

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I just started yesterday, and in the course of my gameplay, I have looted tons of weapons and tools, and even fixed up a truck and drove it up and down the coast, stopping at gas stations to refuel and looting roadside towns

My frustrations as a new player have nothing to do with the gameplay, and everything to do with coming to these forums, wanting to share awesome survival attempt stories and reading nothing but page after page of shitty CoD players whining to the Mod creators. I am frustrated that instead of retelling to you how I managed to get all the parts for a truck solo, and my first experience driving past a gas station, honking my horn, then wheeling around and running over all the zombies; I have to tell other new players how not to be shitty CoD players in Day Z.

If you don't know the warning signs, let me tell you a few:

- If you complain about not starting with a gun, you're a shitty shit eating shit CoD player.

- If you complain about zombies being able to see you, you're a stupid shitty CoD shit eater.

- If you complain about having to focus on surviving in a survival game, you're a shit eating shitty CoD shitbird player.

This is not an FPS. This is not CoD. This is not BF3. This isn't even Arma II.

This is Day Z. This is a survival game with guns in it, not a shooter game with survival in it. Want proof? You don't even start with a gun. Show me a multiplayer FPS that doesn't give you a gun for over 30 minutes... case closed.

With that being said, I would like to remind you that in my first day alone, I've had several survival attempts where I've looted lots of weapons and tools, and even fixed up a truck solo and drove it for the rest of the day, looting, surviving, and driving. This was on my FIRST DAY.

So how did I do it? By not coming to the forums, shitting myself like a CoD player, and posting about how impossible the game is now for new players. Instead, I manned up, and accepted that you have to play from a survival standpoint in order to do well in a survival game.

If you're new, you don't have a gun. Don't fucking stroll into a pack of zombies and then cry about how they killed you.

If you were fucking running, even while crouched, don't cry when the zombies see you and kill you.

If you're 2 feet away from a zombie, even while prone and he's around the corner, don't fucking cry when he hears you and kills you.

I know you watched videos online of how all you need to do to get a high K/D ratio at the start is just crouch run everywhere and headshot with your free Makarov. But guess what, CoD baddie, this is Day Z! There are no free guns! You can't just run everywhere! There is no KD ratio! Zombies aren't retarded like you are!

Learn to ACTUALLY use stealth. Learn when to walk away when there are just too many zombies. Learn to survival tactics. Learn not to come to the forums crying like a shitty CoD player when you just can't get it through your retarded head that this isn't a shooter... this is a survival game.

Maybe next time I won't be so frustrated and we can share some survival attempt stories. I'll tell you about how I had to shoot a man in the legs in the Balota Air tower because he dragged a horde of zombies to us and it was him or me, and I was down to my last shotgun shell.

Maybe next time, you can tell me something besides how much you suck at this game.

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1.7.1 is less than 24 hours old. hotfix is even younger. It's good to get some feedback, I'm aware of the issues, please remember the current build is not as intended.

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Well said. (I think)

There just needs to be a disclaimer when the game loads to let all the tards know it isn't even close to a finished product. But being retarded, the chances of them actually reading it are low.

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  'rocket said:

1.7.1 is less than 24 hours old. hotfix is even younger. It's good to get some feedback' date=' I'm aware of the issues, please remember the current build is not as intended.



Hey man, my post wasn't about the game, but about some of the stuff I'm seeing on the forums.

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Lol macterror... reported?

he is saying the truth for those who want to hear it. he didnt spam information. You dont have to read it.

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So let me get this straight, anyone that has a problem with DayZ is just another CoD-fish?

Yeah...no...you're an asshole.

DayZ is still in Alpha, and that means these ideas are tests and experiments to see how the game goes. Inside these complaints are VERY valid feedback. To this date, I have yet to see anyone complain about 2 foot zed aggro, and plenty of people don't like the no starting pistol. They will eventually nut up or shut up, but flaming them and treating them like shit only paints the DayZ community in a bad light. Do you honestly WANT to turn this game into a persistent world CoD? Then keep flaming, you WILL run the decent people off, the survival aspect WILL be gone, and then only the bandit clans with mass-farmed gear will be left.

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Reported for spam

Which part was spam, CoD baddie?

The part where I called people like you out for being shitty?

Or was it the part where I informed you that you're playing it wrong?

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All I understood from this post is about some supposed "newbie" gloating of his exploits and complaining about people who complain.

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  'rocket said:

1.7.1 is less than 24 hours old. hotfix is even younger. It's good to get some feedback' date=' I'm aware of the issues, please remember the current build is not as intended.


I love it like this. It was too easy before. Don't turn this mod into a easy mode PoS like everything else on the market. There is a reason your mod is so popular. The reason is it's difficult.

Up until this new patch I was bored. I could gear up fully in about an hour. Then what? time to kill people I guess so i can get killed and find more stuff thats super easy to find.

Also this mod is sapose to be after the recent fall of society. But guns are everywhere and cars are super rare. Shouldnt it be the other way around. Cars would be everywhere and guns would be rare.

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  'Virfortis said:

So let me get this straight' date=' anyone that has a problem with DayZ is just another CoD-fish?

Yeah...no...you're an asshole.


But VirFortis! The game is "Impossible to Play!" How do you expect me to unlock my perks? I NEED to unlock my perks!

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well I guess you sux at COD dude... where the love. sorry say leg shot with shot gun horde on the way.

How big was that fish? Nice fish story lol.

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This guy has something against Call of duty, must be a teenager that jumped on the bandwagon, or just died to a new player.

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well I guess you sux at COD dude... where the love. sorry say leg shot with shot gun horde on the way.

How big was that fish? Nice fish story lol.

Impressive command of the english language.

I cannot tell if you're agreeing with me or making fun of me. Excellent work. Keep it up.

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for real, he the guy run back to body and get shot again and again. love to see the pain, lol

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  'Reaven1911 said:

This guy has something against Call of duty' date=' must be a teenager that jumped on the bandwagon, or just died to a new player.


Amazing deductive reasoning skills! You totally pegged me bro! I'm 13, I hate CoD, and I just died to a new player after I jumped on the bandwagon! Astounding! You should open for Criss Angel!

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If I could effectively punish anyone on this forum for half-assedly using terms like "CoD lover" and "Carebear" instead of actually expressing themselves, I most assuredly would.

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  'UbiquitousBadGuy said:

If I could effectively punish everyone on this forum for half-assedly using terms like "CoD lover" and "Carebear" instead of actually expressing themselves' date=' I most assuredly would.


How did I not express myself? I wrote at length how I felt as a new player and about who my frustrations were directed at and why, with explanations of why.

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I guess farmville, would be your speed. You can post picture of your farm.

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  'dragula said:

I guess farmville' date=' would be your speed. You can post picture of your farm.


I love it. Thats hilarious. I'm gonna steal it from you and use it elsewhere. Cold world, deal with it.

I love how you're trying to say I suck at this game. So edgy, never been done before. And you're trying to do it in a thread I started about how I was able to pick up this game quickly and succeed in it in spite of the droves of other threads saying rocket ruined everything and made this game impossible. So Avant Garde. I am truly floored by your wit.

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complain about people who complain. HEYLOOKIMHERE thread. You are 1 day young to dayz. Nice. Letz see how long you'll stay so proud of yourself and your truck


vicious circle

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The content of your post could have been summed up in two sentences and might have been worth reading if it wasn't for all the filler in it that is obviously intended as flamebait. Also, your tone is offensive to those who disagree with you.

I'm also a new player and I actually agree with the little content in your post, but frankly, your attitude is probably some of the worst I've seen in these forums.

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All I understood from this post is about some supposed "newbie" gloating of his exploits and complaining about people who complain.

I wish to file a complaint on the person complaining about the person complaining about complainers complaining!!


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