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Whats with the shot shell ammo??

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Ok Im a gun owner so I cant get over this and it bothers me. I can pickup 12ga rounds in the game and I cant use them in my 12ga shotgun?? Or I have to "combine" four 2rnd slugs or pellet shot that's "technically" supposed to be used in a different shotgun to use it in the one I have? eg. using m1014 slugs in an 870.. This makes no sense and its pretty unrealistic considering the mod this game is created from.

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It only works like that because ArmA 2 handles all ammo in magazines and clips.

Standalone DayZ will have sorted it, but there's nothing that can be done in the mod AFAIK, since weapons are lifted straight from the base game.

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Yup, and no loading rounds individually (which is generally a huge advantage, but annoyingly unrealistic).

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