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Target Practice (DayZ)

Looking for a relaxed, fun server/group to play with.

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Okay, here's the deal, folks. I'm Jason, I'm UK-based and I've been playing videogames of some sort since I was knee high to a grasshopper. I recently bought a new gaming PC and have dived into DayZ, and am loving it, but wouldn't mind a little more interaction and banter - preferably a group or something.

I'm a pretty laid-back guy who's not above the occasional practical joke and messing around, but knows that when you're all running for your lives from a mob of twenty zombies, that's not really the time to start goofing around. Bottom line, I know how to have fun whilst not ruining the fun for others.

What I'm looking for:

Ideally, a small group or clan who have players on most nights (due to my job, the nights/days I'm available to play vary pretty wildly). I'd be willing to consider a good server, but I'd have to ask that the server be as vanilla as possible - I like DayZ the way it is, I'm not really looking to download loads of extra mods/maps just to play.

I'd also prefer it if most of the players were 18+ - I have no ideological problem with playing with younger players, but there's only so much you can talk to someone about with an age gap of 15 years+!

I'm NOT looking for a large, multi-game clan, or anything remotely 'serious business' - I'm 28 years old, and I feel like I'm past the point in my life where I need to be treating games as life/death. I have a job, I have a girlfriend. Those are going to take priority. As a rough guide, if your group/clan has more than 5 rules, one of which isn't along the lines of "don't be a twat", then I'm probably not going to be interested. :)

Anyway, hope I haven't come across as too negative - I'm a gamer through and through, and I'm just looking for a group of like-minded folk to share that enthusiasm with!

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I'd have said us at The BSB Network as we're adult social gamers with no daft rules otehr than fair play and common sense, but your previous experiences with larger/multi-gaming communities seems to have sullied your view of them (which is a shame as I do think you would fit in well with our lads), so the only other decent folk who might suit you would be Balota Buddies.

Edited by Box
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Yeah, thanks, but I took a look at your Day-Z factions page before I posted this (saw one of your posts in another thread) and it all looks a little too formal for me - appreciate your offer though! :)

EDIT: I've not got a problem with large groups/networks of players - I just don't feel like that particular demographic is going to cater to what I'm looking for - I'm looking to play with a handful of people who are on regularly, rather than a large pool of people but never with the same folks twice.

Edited by Target Practice

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Okay, here's the deal, folks. I'm Jason, I'm UK-based and I've been playing videogames of some sort since I was knee high to a grasshopper. I recently bought a new gaming PC and have dived into DayZ, and am loving it, but wouldn't mind a little more interaction and banter - preferably a group or something.

I'm a pretty laid-back guy who's not above the occasional practical joke and messing around, but knows that when you're all running for your lives from a mob of twenty zombies, that's not really the time to start goofing around. Bottom line, I know how to have fun whilst not ruining the fun for others.

What I'm looking for:

Ideally, a small group or clan who have players on most nights (due to my job, the nights/days I'm available to play vary pretty wildly). I'd be willing to consider a good server, but I'd have to ask that the server be as vanilla as possible - I like DayZ the way it is, I'm not really looking to download loads of extra mods/maps just to play.

I'd also prefer it if most of the players were 18+ - I have no ideological problem with playing with younger players, but there's only so much you can talk to someone about with an age gap of 15 years+!

I'm NOT looking for a large, multi-game clan, or anything remotely 'serious business' - I'm 28 years old, and I feel like I'm past the point in my life where I need to be treating games as life/death. I have a job, I have a girlfriend. Those are going to take priority. As a rough guide, if your group/clan has more than 5 rules, one of which isn't along the lines of "don't be a twat", then I'm probably not going to be interested. :)

Anyway, hope I haven't come across as too negative - I'm a gamer through and through, and I'm just looking for a group of like-minded folk to share that enthusiasm with!

Joint Task Force 91 is a new and friendly clan, right now we are looking for players who are interested in playing DayZ with a group with a military experiencing leader but also to kick back and have some fun!we are part of a big and multicultral community known as 'DayZHorror' we have our very own teamspeak:ts.dayzhorror.com

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Hey, maybe your interested in our group.


It may look too serious at the beginning, but most of the time we end up with some people sitting on TS, making bad jokes and driving our zeds while somebody steals our helicopter :D

It's a big community but the part of it interested in DayZ isn't that big. 30 signups, most of them not really active, the ones that are active play on our server more or less often.

Join our teamspeak if you're interested and poke me :)

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Hey man<br />Seems like you have the same mind set as us. We're not a clan per se, just a group of 5-7 guys that all started playing together mainly through these forums. We've got a great group and we all like to have fun. Our only solid rule is our age restriction, other than that you'd be able to tell if the group meshes within a day or two. <br /><br />We have a TS and you'll usually find someone in even if we're not playing. <br /><br />We're all between 20 and 28,mainly uk based. Im the exception, i live in Switzerland and grew up in the states. <br /><br />So let me know if this interests tou either here or on steam: knifely <br />

Edited by kniFely

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