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holstering prime weapon

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So what ive notice in recent patches is that zeds are retardedly sensitive to sound, which doesn't help with them teleporting through walls and able to hit through walls, but anyway, i think it would be a nice addition that the player would be able to holster( throw prime weapon on shoulder as if he was pulling out secondary weapon) and pull hatchet from tool belt.

im sure some will argue why have it just sneak around better blah blah blah, well sometime that doesn't all ways work and you aggro zeds and then you can shoot cause you'll get more and you have to run for 5-10 mins before they will stop chasing you.

what do you guys think ?

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Great idea, I've been thinking about this as well. Say you have a Lee Enfield and a makarov, standard gear. You would have to drop your gun or stash it in a bigger pack and then remove the hatchet from the toolbelt, which takes ages. So I think the idea of having the hatchet as a second primary for silent attacks on zeds is a great idea.

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quality post, 9/10 would read again

Closest thing to holstering at the moment is you can point your gun down there's a bind for it in the options

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hatchet should be a one button bind, like you say sling your primary over the shoulder and whip out the axe lickety-split...

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They removed holstering sidearm for whatever reason..it was in OFP 10 years ago and disappeared in ArmA 1.

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