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I can't heal myself, or equip weapons.

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So I've finally been able to play, fun game :). But when I'm bleeding out, I can't seem to heal myself? My character is visibly pouring blood and the meter is dropping and I have bandage, but no matter what I try, I can't use it!? I have no mouse wheel menu to choose anything from, even though the bandage is in my gear. Am I doing something wrong? The way the ARMA II bootcamp showed it, I should have a mouse wheel menu to choose it from, but i don't..

Also, I'm not sure about this one. I found an axe, does that count as a weapon?? It sits in my gear, but i can't seem to do anything with it, except drop it.

Am I having some issue where the mouse wheel menu isn't appearing, or am I doing it wrong???

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Press G right click the bandaged and heal, same applies for food/water

The axe is for cutting trees down for wood not a weapon, to cut trees you right click in the gear menu

As for the menu it can be a bit temperamental

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Thanks LVG :)

Turns out I was clicking on the wrong thing.... I was clicking on the name in the side of the gear window, not the actual gear itself... :P

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Easy mistake, it was fun when they removed it from the scroll menu and i hadn't read the patch notes, needless to say i lost a lot of good stuff

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