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Safe Zone - Battle Eye Friendly Script

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My server currently has a safe zone and a PVP zone. I don't care what happens in the PVP zone and don't need to know who killed who with what etc. But in the safe zone I'd like to do one or more of the following:

1. Display a death message naming the victim and the killer (on screen and or possibly to the rpt file).

2. Deal the killer the same amount of damage they dealt the victim (idealy I'd like to kick the killer with a warning as well)

3. Put the killer in time out when they rejoin , a blank screen with a timer and the reason they are being punished.

Even just the first option would be a start, but I've tried a few scripts and they all kick off Battle Eye , I have removed the specific lines, added my script to the line i.e !"myscript.sqf" and so on, but i'm not getting anywhere.

Does anybody know of a simple script that can be run directly in the zone trigger "added through the map editor" or trigger a script when the player enters that trigger, if you do I'd be most grateful . thank you in advance.

Edited by nomadichayward

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This game hasnt got safe zones. It isnt meant to have them. You filthy bambifying novice. Hope you wont succeed in any of your options, even with the first one being the only one acceptable. >:(

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Hope you find someone to help you, safe zone's are a good idea, especially for trade and what not, however the Purists and the bandits wont be having any part of it, so It may take some time to actually find any one to help you xD

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if you want a safe zone get some mates together become a police force and enforce the law you're self

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Hope you find someone to help you, safe zone's are a good idea, especially for trade and what not, however the Purists and the bandits wont be having any part of it, so It may take some time to actually find any one to help you xD

Funny thing you mention purists, because I've been playing Dayz since the beginning and I remember it being about survival and cooperation. It really only started to turn into COD and LOL-Kill heaven when it became more popular, as the trolls and grievers took over. I consider myself a purist, and I believe in safe zones because back then Friendly meant "friendly" and the majority of the players weren't total douche bags . We killed out of necessity only, and the rest was survival against the zeds. A lot of the original players, the true purists don't even play it anymore because it has lost that apocalypse style survival against the zeds feeling, now it's just COD with ZEDS! Maybe the standalone will fix that!

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