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Admins that spawn stuff to be "Helpful". Yes or no?

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Ofc they are, in the server I generally play, when the dark came down, I asked the owner of the server to help us as the server was for noobs.. :P He just gave everyone NightVisions!! \\O// :3

Then what is the point in playing on a server with night if everyone just gets given night-vision goggles?

Totally defeats the purpose of night time.

If it was a noob server he should leave you to fight it out, you're always going to remain shit if you just get everything handed to you rather than learning to do it and get better yourself.

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you clicked it didnt you?


As I've said before, after 8 years of using the internet, I know how to hover my mouse over altered links, and get the real address to pop up.

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Well if you lose gear due to a server error and the admin re gives you that gear you had held on to, thats not a bad admin. Thats a helpful one, ive only had one helpful admin though, i have seen alot of admin abuse too.

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Well if you lose gear due to a server error and the admin re gives you that gear you had held on to, thats not a bad admin. Thats a helpful one, ive only had one helpful admin though, i have seen alot of admin abuse too.

That's not the scenario described in the OP.

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Well if you lose gear due to a server error and the admin re gives you that gear you had held on to, thats not a bad admin. Thats a helpful one, ive only had one helpful admin though, i have seen alot of admin abuse too.

As @Rage VG said that's not what i'm talking about database rollbacks due to a hacker or a bug,that is not abuse,it's what every admin should do if he wants a respectfull server.But spawning stuff you never had,or teleporting you,or giving away coords of bases,or other players,it's just bad.It ruins the game,as i said in the op,i'm talking about admins that spawn stuff for them or for players to keep em on the server,or abuse the admin tools to see where you are or where you have your camp,or where you got the chopper you stole from the admin base...

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Very recently I was playing on a server for about 2 hours heading north from a new spawn on the west side of the map and I eventually worked my way up to nw airfield. As soon as I got to the airfield the admin gets on side chat and tells everyone there is going to be a free loot drop in Cherno. Everyone got all excited and he even offered heli rides to Anyone far away. This immediately took the suspense out of the game because I knew most of the server were getting free gear in Cherno.

After scouring the airfield for a while I found a dmr and an m249 and went on my way very pleased with my finds. Soon after leaving the admin pops out of nowhere and asks If I want free loot and a ride to cherno. I told him I was no but thanked him and he left me alone for good. . Or so I thought. A couple minutes later he drives up out of nowhere with a fully repaired military vehicle and gets out and says "hey buddy you can have this if you want it's all yours". I politely said ohh ok thanks ill drive it for a while and started driving it away. I honestly felt pressured into taking it and just had a feeling like he would be mad and possibly kick me or something. I drove it for less than a minute and bailed it in the woods. It totally ruined the satisfaction of repairing and actually earning what loot and vehicles you obtain.

This just really bothered me and I will probably not go back on that server again. The only problem is that I have a dmr m249 and m9 and I worked so hard to get them and I hate just leaving that character untouched.

Please admins don't give us stuff it ruins the whole point of the game. We know you guys just want to help, but it really just makes us cheaters.

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I remember spawning back into a server, and I see a bus driving down the road in front of me. Pulled out the DMR and took a few shots at it for fun. The driver says stop shooting over side chat, then the admin tells everyone that I am a bandit. Everyone starts to tell me how I suck because I am a bandit, but I was like no the cheating admin sucks!

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this needs to be sorted patched out so admins cant abuse this . sorry every server ive played on in length always shows the admins do abuse thier power.

no admins should have this kind of legit hacking ability.

in standalone it will probably be sorted for few months until private servers are available then it will be back to admins got 6 helis and 8 dmrs every respawn :rolleyes: please dev team sort this out and stop this bs.

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@dgeesio admins paid for their servers so they should be able to do whatever they want,i agree with that.BUT a message should pop up in the screen,saying that "admin XXXX is now in the admin panel" or something similar,i saw that in many wasteland servers,when the admins werw acessing the admin panel a mssge was saying who was doing it.so after i killed 1 admin 8 times in a row,and he couldnt even shoot straight,and suddenly he apears behind us and kills all 5 of us,we knew he abused powers,we confronted him and he admitted it.so if we had something similar in dayz,admins would think twice before abusing powers.at least thats my solution to the problem,it seems good in my head!

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