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Every hero skin is a duck?

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I don't get it. Every hero skin I see will shoot me on sight, more so than bandits. Is there some kind of exploit to get the skin or something?

EDIT: ignore the title. I was mad. maybe a discussion on the flaws of the humanity system (although I'm sure there already is one)?

Edited by Ingasmeeg
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If you have teamates, you can get them to hurt themselves with zombies, then bag them. It's unfortunately very common around bandit groups so i often treat hero skins like any other player, i hid from them

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Well most bandits will cheat and get this skin to fool players.

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Yes there is, and it only takes about 30 seconds to get the hero skin

I hope it gets fixed soon. Although, it's been around for a very long time, which makes me wonder whether r4z0r knows about it.

Edited by AussieStig

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Some Heroes might just have that skin by helping friends not necessarily helping other people on the server. Some might just feel threatened if your in close range.

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I know people who used to kidnap other players, hurt them and bandage / transfure them each time they were inconscious to get the hero skin.

Gotta be that kind of fucked up exploit.

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I don't get it. Every hero skin I see will shoot me on sight, more so than bandits. Is there some kind of exploit to get the skin or something?

You're a bandit?

Edited by Ansssi

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You're a bandit?

Yes, but not my fault. I have to kill everyone I meet in towns, meaning I have reluctantly become a bandit. I try to help out newspawns but I have to kill basically everyone I see now thanks to the skin.

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Well if you're a bandit, don't ask why. I understand those guys, I would do the exact same thing if it gives me more humanity.

Just get more humanity, you won't get killed.

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Well if you're a bandit, don't ask why. I understand those guys, I would do the exact same thing if it gives me more humanity.

Just get more humanity, you won't get killed.

Pretty difficult seeing as this is the case.

The humanity system is completely flawed.

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I kill every bandit skin on sight, other people get a chance.

If you have a bandit skin, most likely you have it because your a bandit.

Ive had the bandit skin a couple of times, but mostly when a new map came out and survivor skins shoot you and shooting back means you become a bandit

Lose the skin, and some people will give you a chance

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Yes, but not my fault. I have to kill everyone I meet in towns, meaning I have reluctantly become a bandit. I try to help out newspawns but I have to kill basically everyone I see now thanks to the skin.

Stop being a dick and I'll stop being a dick. Gain humanity or just deal with your current situation.

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Stop being a dick and I'll stop being a dick. Gain humanity or just deal with your current situation.

Woah didn't mean to piss you off.. Christ it's basically impossible to be a good person without getting the bandit skin. Every time I give someone a weapon they just turn around and shoot me.

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Why would I be pissed off? I love killing bandits and hearing their QQ in the chat :lol:

I just want you to realise you're, in some way, a bad player and some of your posts don't really make any sense.

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Why would I be pissed off? I love killing bandits and hearing their QQ in the chat :lol:

I just want you to realise you're, in some way, a bad player and some of your posts don't really make any sense.

No seriously, you seem upset about something. I would love to hear about how I'm a bad player? :)

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TBH your title is a bit inflammatory, so expect disgruntled heroes etc to pop in and vent.

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Well... Think about it.

You expect people to be nice and friendly, but for some odd reason, you think you have to shoot em in the face. Dat Logic.

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TBH your title is a bit inflammatory, so expect disgruntled heroes etc to pop in and vent.

Yeah, sorry about that. I think I was just a bit annoyed having spent most of the day so far trying to help people out. Peace everyone.

Edit: I can't control whether people shoot at me or not. My bandit skin comes as a result of my killing these people who shoot at me, meaning I must be better than most of them? Surely? Anyway I'm off back to Elektro. See y'all if you are on FR16.

Edited by Ingasmeeg

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I play as a hero and I shoot bandits on sight, everyone else I help and give gear.

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Why would I be pissed off? I love killing bandits and hearing their QQ in the chat :lol:

I just want you to realise you're, in some way, a bad player and some of your posts don't really make any sense.

you should kill heroes, their QQ is astronomical

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Me and my friend Evilution are heroes, we got it by blood bagging each other as we got hit a lot due to be fairly new.

We try and help others but most KoS, we've recently joined Balota Buddies P-COY so hopefully people will trust us more when in sidechat.

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Every hero skin is a dick?

Lot's of players exploit game mechanics to get hero skin.

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As a hero i wont shoot on sight, but if your a bandit or in a ghillie/camo i cant take the risk, too many times iv been stabbed in the back so id rather take you out than the opposite, i usually have a dmr or m14 with me to knock people out, ill bandage and bloodbag them before the timers out n either talk to them or run! mabey take a few ammo clips from there bags too if im running low

it took me quite alot to get hero since i got it legit while lonewolf and i rarely kill survivours, just knock em out n scarper.......mabey you just had a bad experience with a hero n your taking it all out on the ones that are the 'hero' you expect..

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I really hope this stupid auto-skin system is getting dropped for SA.

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