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Private Hives at SA Release + Some Suggestions.

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Here's my problem with this situation, and its the fact that it is not going to happen. There will not be private Hives during the DayZ SA release. This is very disappointing as the Private Hive has not only:

  • Helped release a massive load off their central Hive servers
  • Brought a sense of community to those who play on their servers making the game seem more of a realistic community during a Zombie Apocalypse, making you aware of who is out their in your "world" and what they are capable of, whether its helpful to you or not.
  • The time and dedication all these server admins have spent on their servers and money out of their own pocket.
  • Provided a revival of this game as it was in a lull during the wait for the SA.
  • They bring customizations that appeal to the styles of their players.

With all the things I feel Private Hives bring to the community of DayZ, with all the sacrifices of time and resources they have made, it really disappoints me that they will not at least be rewarded by hosting their own servers during the SA.

I am not the only one who is disappointed by this, and while my 25$ may not mean much because everyone will buy this game anyways, I refuse to put 25$ down during the release if their is no support for the Private Hives.

Also my message to Rocket is this:

I know they were never promised to be in the Stand Alone, but you are throwing away a huge part of your community (and what really makes the community) by ignoring the Private Hive guys.

Also Mr. Rocket, please try to make a decision and stick with it.

You promised us a Minecraft-like Alpha release deal. Which you pumped us up for at the end of the year, now you took that away are adding all the bells and whistles that do not need to be there at release, like Shitting and pissing for example. You are biting off more than you can chew. Give us what you promised. When Minecraft did their game they released it for 5$ and no features and they worked through it. For someone who was so set, and constantly brought up the Minecraft style so much you seem to be double backing on that. I was really excited that the few lot of us (and quite a few) of the people who were playing your mod before it blew up like TNT, would be able to down the road, say we were part of the Alpha stage. Not the case anymore, for 25$ I would expect a lot more, and I will be critical, we should all be, because quick frankly, we strapped in for the ride back in late 2012 and we have been stuck at the top since the first date the SA was supposed to be released.

With all that being said Mr. Rocket,

I am not your enemy, I am the consumer of your product, I am also your paycheck. I am also a friend of yours, the idea you have is a grand one but you are doing to much at start. I hope for you to address these concerns I have or I wouldn't have spent the months of playing and reading and stalking on the fourms to provide this feedback. I hope this feedback comes off and constructive criticism and no a whiny bitch. I am your friend, you will always have my beans.

This was only supposed to be about Hives and their privatization, however it seems I had more to say. I love this community and I feel comfortable in posting this knowing I presented it in a well enough fashion that will allow other members to provide constructive feedback to myself as well.

“Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things.”

― Winston Churchill

Thanks to everyone who reads this for your time! I'll see ya around! :)


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I have a feeling that SA Private hives are in the works, but not a priority. The priority, currently, is the game itself. If you remember correctly, Minecraft Alpha was restricted to servers run by Notch till things were running smoothly enough to release the server files. I'd expect nothing different here. I'd guesstimate a couple weeks to a month after release you may start hearing about Private hive files being in the works, whether Rocket likes it or not. Heh.

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I suppose so, but nothing so far has been "minecraft like" anyways. So since that is the case and we do not make the assumption that we are on the small scale 5$ for alpha, we are now looking at a 30$ late stage beta.. at least thats what I expect to get, and with that it should be beyond the 1-2 week guesstimate you are making. I'm just expecting more. Also, private hives are much different and much more impactful than those of Minecraft, thats in my opinion however.

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