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SmackerCentral, LIngor, Veteran, Debug, 500 vehicles/choppers, BASEBUILDING!!, active admins

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SmackerCentral! - Renewed 9/27/2013



SmackerCentral Lingor Island (Basebuilding|TakeClothes|SelfBloodbag) (Veteran|3D:ON|CH:OFF) - www.gloryofwar.com - Dayz Lingor - 1



Best Lingor Server for Dayz!
US based server, great East coast pings, good for West coast and euro gamers.
Server IP:
Port: 2302
SmackerCentral Back to Lingor 1.3. Lingor was our first Private hive map, We are back from our Skaronator debacle, and here to kill the masses again. 
Lots of vehicles means your always close to the action! You will need them, you will die a lot! We die a Lot!
We have removed all 50 cal weapons, no more AS50, no more M107, no Lapua either(I know, .338).
Many guns have been switched out for other and better guns, like ACOGs with GL on them.
Get your toolbox, entrenching tool and get ready to build!
Thank you Daimyo for the hard work creating Basebuilding 1.2
Thank you Chisel for warping it onto our server.
Zombies HATE you building anything close to them so be careful!
CUSTUM Locations:
Calamar Extended! - Calamar gets some more love and re-emphisizes it as the place to be - More Grocery/expansion sites/firestation/Hospital/Hotel.  As most SmackerCentral players know from before, this place is HOT!
NATO Camp @ Calamar Power Supply - Gas, Death barracks, Medical, great for spawners @ Aeroputo Sargento
Lingor Tower - A DayZLingor first for this building.  It overwatches the New extended Calamar and the airstrip.  Great for sniping, and great for being sniped.
Pista Airfield - We have our own take on Pista Airfield, much like other servers.
Research Lab 101's Cry For Help!
Survivor Camp - Livens up the area north of the 4x4 offroad track.
Maruko Enhanced - Added buildings to Maruko to encourage fighting and looting.  Also adds much needed "city" feel.
El Presidente Bug-Out HQ - Added a new compound to Maruko Island that El Presidente uses.
San Arulco Church: Last Stand - When the outbreak started the Church was a much needed medical resource for the local community, it turned into their last hope.
El Villon Airfield - Enhanced for the lucky Chupnkia spawns(lol)
Ganja Plantation! - I don't even know where this is, but I bet BTT will be there!
Improved Dump - Wrecked cars and garbage everywhere.
Armex Oil Co HQ - Just NE of El Villon sits El Presidente's oil Company, Armex Oil.  Giant Towers, tons of oil, tons of industrial spawns.
Chupinka Military Base - Barracks, and medical with an expanded Chupinka town nearby.  Anti-camping measures applied.
NE Gateway Ruins - Old Castle ruins cover the small island between mainland and the NE island.
Added SCARs, lots of SCARS(MK):
MK17 Sniper 
MK17 Sniper SD
Plus Full line of MK16(SCAR-L) as well
 - Care packages are in the game, they can spawn military, industrial or grocery goods, random per package area.
C130 Crashes are similar
 - Side chat is enabled, do not spam the voice, you WILL get kicked, Your warning occurs when you join the server, or banned if continued abuse after kick.
 - Debug monitor is ON!!!
 - No Heat or 50 Cal. guns
 - Self Bloodbag - with 15min cooldown timer between uses.
 - Loads of SUVs, Military Offroads, added MTVRs.
 - HMMVs 
 - Choppers are on the map as well. Most spawn in populated areas so be prepared to fight for them
 - Gas stations auto refill, even the earthen hanger bays refuel vehicles.  Siphon Fuel.
 - Custom anti-hacks system.
 - Hackers are identified and dealt with quickly. Rollbacks can occur, or for few hacked individuals, gear can be replenished. We do our best to prevent hackers from playing in our server, and minimize your losses when it occurs.
 - Tons of Zombies in a few high traffic areas, also roaming zombie hoards in the woods.
Added Guns!
L85 Holo
L85 Acog GL
Golden Revolver
G36 K + Camo
G36 C Camo
M60E4(takes backpack)
M40 - Camo
M16A4 ACOG w/M203 GL
M4A1 Holo Camo SD GL
AK 107 UGL Kobra
AK 107 PSO
AK 107 PSO w/GL
AK Kobra Silenced
M8 sharpshooter
M8 Saw
M249 w/m145(takes backpack)
G36 SD Eotech
MG36 Holo Camo
6 - SCAR-L(MK16) variants
5 - SCAR-H(MK17) variants
Certain guns have alternate sights:
-To enable these you MUST go into "Options"/"Controls" and add a selection to "Optics Mode", currently it is set to "/" on the numberpad, but that doesn't always work. I made it to a mouse button on my mouse for quick access.
-M16 ACOG w/GL has iron sights in addition to the ACOG sight.
-The G36 K has a red-dot in addition to its 3.5 zoom.
-L85/86 has a laser dot in addition to the ACOG sites.
Starter Gear:
Makarov and 1 clip(just enough to defend one's self in emergency)
1 food, 1 water - for those long hikes back to your dead scavenged body.
No backpack
No sniper rifles........
No Map
No Cuddly teddy bear either
Survive or be a smacker trying!
We should be getting plenty of traffic quickly!!!
Admins are friendly, fair, funny, cooperative, and smackers!
Getting plenty of regulars, some bandits, some friendly.
server IP:
add it to your favorites in dayzcommander!  Go to favorites tab, and add IP in upper left corner.
Easiest way to join through DayzCommander!
Edited by wesmacker

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New Weapons added to our Lingor Map:

L85 Holo


Golden Revolver

G36 K

G36 C Camo



M40 - Camo

AK74 UN - silenced


M16A4 ACOG w/M203 GL

M4A1_HWS_GL_camo SD

Edited by wesmacker

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Adding the G36 series of guns

Still in progress:

Improving Chupinka spawn area to make it a tad more bearable.

Adding some more Zombies for your pleasure!

Edited by wesmacker

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We got lots of Military Offroads, SUVs, some MTVR(big fast Ural(camo)), tons of PBXs(which may contain coyote backpacks!!!).

We like lots of PVP and have been getting good crowds for the past 3 days its been up :)

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Explanation on how to use the alternative sights on certain guns:

-To enable these you MUST go into "Options"/"Controls" and add a selection to "Optics Mode", currently it is set to "/" on the numberpad, but that doesn't always work. I made it to a mouse button on my mouse for quick access.

-M16 ACOG w/GL has iron sights in addition to the ACOG sight.

-The G36 K has a red-dot in addition to its 3.5 zoom.

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Challenging anyone to come fight off the Bandits here! Good loots, good weapons! Any hero types out there want to take down some bandits, try the server out, you'll love it.

Any Bandits want to stake a claim on our server, let's see what you got! Bring it!

Edited by chisel

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Lookin for groups to kill tonight! come on bandit groups/clans/whatever.

Heroes wanted as well, but u wont last long here!

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Had about 30 players on last night, getting the kinks worked out :) :emptycan: :beans: :emptycan:

Edited by wesmacker

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Getting solid traffic, one of the top lingor servers!!!

Will be moving to Lingor(Skaronator.com) as dayzcommander puts it in the near future

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Just a slight bump, server is doing fantastic!!!

Had a suspicious guy killing us admins about 20 times, about an hour into it, battleeye global banned him LOL.

RIP: Chief Keef

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New buildings added to Maruko and Calamar to enhance their "city" status

Edited by wesmacker

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two new choppers added


and the



Removed due to radar in vehicles..... ugh

Edited by wesmacker

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Server is becoming very popular, full most evenings, near half all day long.

Come get some!

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Nice seeing our server full and the second best Lingor server with 20 players on it.

We keep our players happy and we are always watching for trouble!

Admins get no special privleges.

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Lots of regulars, always looking for more

Groups, clans solos, bandits, heros everything welcome!

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Ramping up for the weekend, which are always heavy for SmackerCentral!

updated version of Lingor and Arma2 beta

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We have at least 3 different clans that have make us their home. Come join the fun. Some good conflicts going on right now!

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Group from dayzhorror jumped on the server yesterday. Nice meeting you guys! They are back on today. Welcome.

updating the main page.

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We have moved to our new deidicated box, and currently running Lingor(Skaronator) 2.1 u can download this on dayzcommander.

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Dropping by to vouch for this server - Totally frickin' awesome! Had a great crew vs crew battle last night with the admin and his buds, when i asked for a heli ride after they got me, half-joking, (rest of the squad escaped) they did me a good turn and dropped me off in the north!

top fellas, didnt even mind when i had my revenge against them later in another engagement, PvPers after my own heart!

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