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You start with a coyote pack and I found an assult pack but was unable to pick it up or wear it, what was I doing wrong?

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Sometimes you have to grab any other items in the way first.

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Put reticle over back pack

scroll mousewheel

press 'open Assault Pack"

dump all shit from your back pack into Assault Pack

scroll mousewheel

press 'Take Assault Pack"


or maybe your game got a little stressed out=not reaction. it happens sometimes (like bloodbags not working etc)

or what Smusht_au said...

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did wrong last time, scrolled to grab alice pack and lost my initial backpack with morphine epipen, antibiotics...i just fakkin hit my head against that deer stand hard enough to remember not to do that next time

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You start with a coyote pack and I found an assult pack but was unable to pick it up or wear it, what was I doing wrong?

Make sure there is no other stash with the backpack

If so pick up all the other stash and drop away from the pack.

Drop your existing pack

With the assault pack alone - no other stash, scroll over assault pack and select with mouse wheel to pick up

Edited by wolf urine

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