ihaywirei 12 Posted February 8, 2013 If nobody killed on sight this game would not be fun. Be careful what you wish for anti kos peoples 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pandema 352 Posted February 8, 2013 I could talk like a psychopath well I attempt to kill you if it would make you feel better.Some interaction would be better than walking around a corner and getting hosed by an LMG. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pandema 352 Posted February 8, 2013 If nobody killed on sight this game would not be fun. Be careful what you wish for anti kos peoplesI call bullshit on that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ghost2187 18 Posted February 8, 2013 Who would be dumb enough to open fire on a guy with hero skin ?Nobody like's a hero! I seem to always get killed by a hero but bandits leave me alone lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jubeidok 495 Posted February 9, 2013 Didn't happen. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 33 Posted February 9, 2013 Didn't happen.I'm not in the business of making up stories on the internet Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jubeidok 495 Posted February 9, 2013 I'm not in the business of making up stories on the internetLol. Ya, cause we all know that Internet game forums are a place of honesty, integrity and respect. Fact is, ur story seems to be missing a major detail that would most definitely be present in a zombie apocalypse survival game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RSOblivioN 8 Posted February 9, 2013 It's always good to see stories like this. KoS is part of the game though, so bagging out those who give the game it's unique and particular flavour of tension is kinda shooting the messenger.Hopefully standalone will give the game a bit more direction after you have managed to get a gun and some beanz.Had some great fun though, helped a load of people out, though most working in groups aren't worth trying to talk to.Once ran into a guy at Komarovo. He took a couple of pot shots and legged it. The dude didn't realise I had 2 friends with me, so he kinda assumed we just ducked and covered. Well, that didn't happen, we ended up chasing and tracking the dude all the way up to Berezino. He got to the Apartments near the second supermarket before coming to a sticky end. Easily one of the most tense and crazy hunts ever in any game I've played. There was the possibility the entire time of being side-swiped by other people, running into campers, all sorts of things (server had about 40 peeps on at the time) yet we succeeded.Currently we are having clan wars on Taviana. Tons of fun, usually about 5-8 guys on each side. One clan usually takes over an area, the other clan hears about a lot of gunfire from one or two of the group and everyone teams up for a firefight. Epic fun, though not necessarily in the spirit DayZ was started for. However it's probably closer to an apocalyptic reality where people fight to survive and band together around the people best suited to leading them, which often results in inadvertent conflict whether due to personality differences or fear... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Positronica 30 Posted February 9, 2013 Probably get flamed for this, but I'll say the three guys supposedly doing the "hold up" we're adding a better gameplay experience to the game than the OP. First off, instead of being typical KOS players, they did something different, and actually gave your buddy a fighting chance to resist their orders. Next, at least from your story, we don't even know that they were planning on robbing your friend. They might have just been telling your friend to drop his gun so that he didn't KOS them while they tried to explore the fire station. And to top it all off, the thing you seem the most proud of is that you used what is essentially a flaw/exploit in DayZ to "punish" those three guys for not just KOSing your friend right away. The only lesson you taught those guys is that from now on, don't try to interact with players you don't know and just kill them all instead since flaws in the mod can punish you for doing otherwise.Oh, and for the record, I've never killed another player in DayZ yet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thelonewarrior 886 Posted February 9, 2013 (edited) Most people are just to dumb to see that someone with a hero skin is not a thread to them (in most cases at least) all they see is walking gear and even that is not true cause alot of people just shoot everything that moves even if it's an unarmed guy. Thats why Bandits can't hit anything. All of my encounters begun with that the bandit almost sprayed his hole clip with barely hitting me (or not hitting me at all).What i want to say is the large part of badits are just some COD kiddies that think they are some kind of "pro-gamer" and thats both sad and true.Funny you should say about them not being a threat, sadly last night i was at balota again as I heard that 2 bandits were spawn killing and a survivor opens fire on me and I had to kill him ( i was on the tower and he was laying down. otherwise id shot out his legs and left him to the zombies to save my humanity)So lost my hero skin, but proved to him that i was far from being no threat and i was accussed of being a hacker and fake hero skin for killing him, does he expect me to sit there and get killed?.......If you want to see it my latest video is going to be up in the next 24hours Edited February 9, 2013 by Regulator Lone Warrior Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 33 Posted February 9, 2013 (edited) Probably get flamed for this, but I'll say the three guys supposedly doing the "hold up" we're adding a better gameplay experience to the game than the OP. First off, instead of being typical KOS players, they did something different, and actually gave your buddy a fighting chance to resist their orders. Next, at least from your story, we don't even know that they were planning on robbing your friend. They might have just been telling your friend to drop his gun so that he didn't KOS them while they tried to explore the fire station. And to top it all off, the thing you seem the most proud of is that you used what is essentially a flaw/exploit in DayZ to "punish" those three guys for not just KOSing your friend right away. The only lesson you taught those guys is that from now on, don't try to interact with players you don't know and just kill them all instead since flaws in the mod can punish you for doing otherwise.Oh, and for the record, I've never killed another player in DayZ yet.Bandit skin = kill on sightHad those three people been normal skins I would waited to see what happened. They were not, they were bandits so I killed them. Edited February 9, 2013 by Tricky D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 33 Posted February 9, 2013 (edited) Lol. Ya, cause we all know that Internet game forums are a place of honesty, integrity and respect. Fact is, ur story seems to be missing a major detail that would most definitely be present in a zombie apocalypse survival game.Please enlighten me on what this "major detail" is?If you're talking about the zombies then the bandits had mowed down about 50 of them outside the fire stationBelieve me or not, I don't really care to be honest but this happened. Edited February 9, 2013 by Tricky D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
plrsniper 87 Posted February 9, 2013 I have had conversations with the "good guys" on several servers about this. I usually confront them with a simple question:"Do you think DayZ is hard when hostile players aren't around?"or"Do you actually find Zombies to be a threat?"And i pose the same question to all of you here...Imagine we take away the ability to kill other players completely, what would be the point in finding any other weapon than a hatchet? For me personally, with a hatchet, i can slaughter several hundred zombies and not break a sweat.If it was just me and the zombie horde i wouldn't need anything other than my trusty hatchet, food and drinks, a knife for gutting and matches for making fires. No need for a backpack, no need for a sidearm.Given, it helps to have a friend around for the blood transfusions but it's only a matter of how much time i would need to spend gathering food to restore my health.In such a place, where players can't harm each other in any way. A weapon would be cool to have to rack up zombie kills faster but in the end you would always fall back on that trusty hatchet. The question then becomes... WHY? Why do you want to play a game that poses ZERO challenge to you? Why do you farm gear and look for heli crashes all day so you can get the AS50? All you need is a hatchet and the only weapon in game that can't deal with zombies is the crowbar. WHY do you spend hours on end looking for the AS50, Coyote backpacks (or the equivalent super pack in, NVG's, cars, motorcycles, quads, helicopters and all their respective spare parts if all you ever do is kill zombies and team up with other players that can just as well do it all solo?I get asked why I don't play CoD when i KOS. Why am i so "bad" at DayZ and why can't i understand how the game is "meant to be played". Oh, I understand perfectly how DayZ is meant to be played... I have read Rockets visions on how it's meant to be played. There are many playstyles and ALL of them are equally valid ones.However, i question your motivation for playing "Farming simulator 2013 with zombies" all day long.Once again, i get asked why i don't play other FPS games if all i do is kill people. I could ask you why you aren't playing Left 4 Dead if all you are doing is killing zombies...?The simple middle ground here is, DayZ is different from all other FPS games. You gather some weapons so you can do BOTH. Kill zombies and battle other players for whatever reason you may seem fit.Yet i see so many self proclaimed "experts on what DayZ is about" telling me, my friends and others like us to go play CoD the moment we hurt another player no matter what gear he has or what he was doing.When the harsh reality is, DayZ is a very very dark place. DayZ doesn't impose rules besides disallowing cheating and exploiting the games mechanics. The rest is left to each player to decide.But... I just can't understand how anyone can find DayZ to be interesting without engaging in some PvP.If the SA actually poses a challenge beyond PvP then i would understand it. You have enough on your hands just trying to survive the zombies. You don't need to fight other players at the same time.But as DayZ is right now, killing zombies is a no-brainer (pun intended) and the only real challenge you will ever come across is another player who knows how to PvP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jubeidok 495 Posted February 9, 2013 (edited) Please enlighten me on what this "major detail" is?If you're talking about the zombies then the bandits had mowed down about 50 of them outside the fire stationBelieve me or not, I don't really care to be honest but this happened.I think this is more like how it went down in your head, after you died. You know, like one of those "if only I had done this, then that would happened and then this would of happened and so on. It's ok man, we all do it. Edited February 9, 2013 by JubeiDOK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HappyMushroom 68 Posted February 9, 2013 I am a hero on the public hive, I never go out of my way to harm another player unless he's killed someone else in cold blood* or has shown aggresion towards me.*I tend to be more aggressive to bandits, but I know I shouldn't.I have had conversations with the "good guys" on several servers about this. I usually confront them with a simple question:"Do you think DayZ is hard when hostile players aren't around?"Like you've said yourself the game wouldn't be fun without other players. I myself find ease in the fact that my only possible threats are zombies."Do you actually find Zombies to be a threat?"Only if you don't know how they operate. When I first started playing, zombies were the bane of my existence.Nowadays, I know what bushes and trees they can't get into, what buildings to look for when trying to slow them down or lose them entirely, and now that the combat roll is here, escaping them is even easier.I think this is more like how it went down in your head, after you died. You know, like one of those "if only I had done this, then that would happened and then this would of happened and so on. It's ok man, we all do it.You are daft. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 33 Posted February 9, 2013 I think this is more like how it went down in your head, after you died. You know, like one of those "if only I had done this, then that would happened and then this would of happened and so on. It's ok man, we all do it.You must be one of those "I can't do anything awesome so when someone else does they must have made it up" type fellasLast time I respond to you, I don't need your acceptance :thumbsup: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fenrod 60 Posted February 9, 2013 I think this is more like how it went down in your head, after you died. You know, like one of those "if only I had done this, then that would happened and then this would of happened and so on. It's ok man, we all do it. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jubeidok 495 Posted February 10, 2013 I am a hero on the public hive, I never go out of my way to harm another player unless he's killed someone else in cold blood* or has shown aggresion towards me.*I tend to be more aggressive to bandits, but I know I shouldn't.Like you've said yourself the game wouldn't be fun without other players. I myself find ease in the fact that my only possible threats are zombies.Only if you don't know how they operate. When I first started playing, zombies were the bane of my existence.Nowadays, I know what bushes and trees they can't get into, what buildings to look for when trying to slow them down or lose them entirely, and now that the combat roll is here, escaping them is even easier.You are daft.And ur gullible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jubeidok 495 Posted February 10, 2013 Oh this is dandy. The OP has his ill crew in the thread now. Just tell ur bud to write better stories that aren't full of holes and he won't have to worry about guys like me calling out his bullshit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
svenbreakfast 231 Posted February 10, 2013 If you're not a simple-minded person, you realize that interaction is more fun when you can afford it. KOS is an idiot's play style, as in you can't think of anything more interesting to use the engine for. I'm not calling KOS players idiots, just saying they play like idiots. There just aren't a lot of creative people out there, and most will default to the lowest common denominator. Hey, there are plenty of situations where KOS is called for, and if nobody did it, yeah the game would suck a bit. I've told a few people to freeze, enjoyed their discomfort and the sound of their nervous voices, maybe trolled them a little bit, and sent them on their way. It's entertaining for me, and for them it gives the whole game just a little bit more soul. It's called having the balls to be a good sport. Bang your dead is over and done with and forgotten with maybe a minor chemical reaction. If I can afford to do it, I like to give people something to tell their friends about. I'm a community-minded fellow like that.If you just want to shoot people in a game DayZ is too complex an apparatus for that. There are lots of games specifically tailored for digital sociopaths. Props to the bandits who staged this scenario, and nice job helping your buddy. Sucks they were careless, but then again "serious" bandits wouldn't have exposed themselves like that in the first place. Unless they were OG bandits so bored with KOS that they realized a degree or two of interaction is more interesting. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites