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You held up the wrong guy...

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After just downloading the new patch, me and my friend jump on a relatively busy server. We quickly meet up just outside Elektro then head inside the Fire Station on the outskirts of town. My friend finds a PDW with a mag with 4 bullets in it on the bottom floor then heads outside. I hang back, picking up some loot from higher in the tower.

Then I hear the voices. Three of them.

"Get on the ground and drop your gun or you're dead"

Three bandits outside the Fire Station with high powered rifles and military grade automatics pointed at my friends head. Not knowing I am inside, I sneak quietly out the back door and crawl around the building while my friend stalls them.

I crawl until I reach the corner. Luckily for me the bandit is standing close enough so that I can interact with him without crawling forward into sight. I investigate his backpack to find a lovely DMR with 4 magazines. I quickly take it, equip the gun and reload.

10 seconds later there are 3 raging bandits in the side chat and me and my friend are getting the hell out of dodge with a DMR and an AS50 along with almost every tool, NVG's each and maps.

I love incompetent bandits.

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this is why i just shoot people

And thats why you never have original and interesting moments like this happen to you

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Well, first off I'm amazed they did the "hold up" thing, haven't had an encounter like that in ages.**

But regardless always amazing when it does happens. "I just shoot people" is just fucking stupid and I hate everything about the KOS mentality. Hence, why I no longer really play the DayZ mod, I had 50k humanity fixing random people, and I encountered way too many immature people with hatchets looking to just chop up an unarmed person looking to help, then proceeding to brag about being the best bandit ever for killing a medic of sorts. I lost faith in humanity when I played this game, but met some really amazing people at the same time. Still really cool to see a person like Lone doing his Regulating thing.

**If you don't want to read all of that, I like DayZ but don't really like the people who play it, I'm amazed that you got the have such an encounter.

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Awesome story bro, that shit is hilarious.

Usually the people I come across just KoS, they don't bother to interact.

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Well, first off I'm amazed they did the "hold up" thing, haven't had an encounter like that in ages.**

But regardless always amazing when it does happens. "I just shoot people" is just fucking stupid and I hate everything about the KOS mentality. Hence, why I no longer really play the DayZ mod, I had 50k humanity fixing random people, and I encountered way too many immature people with hatchets looking to just chop up an unarmed person looking to help, then proceeding to brag about being the best bandit ever for killing a medic of sorts. I lost faith in humanity when I played this game, but met some really amazing people at the same time. Still really cool to see a person like Lone doing his Regulating thing.

**If you don't want to read all of that, I like DayZ but don't really like the people who play it, I'm amazed that you got the have such an encounter.

I totally agree dude, just disappoints me when I walk near someone asking if they are friendly only to be met with gunshots.

If I wanted to play Free For All I would go play some generic FPS game.

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And thats why you never have original and interesting moments like this happen to you

I gave you beans before even reading your username... hi :D

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Well the problem is that a lot of people who wanted to roleplay just get killed over and over again so now they just shoot before being shot down.

I for one tried to be friendly but that doesn't work, was killed by people because I hesitated and/or tried to communicate. Now I just kill immediately if I have too, you show up near me with a gun, you'll get lead.

But I do not shoot on sight or stalk people to kill, much less kill unarmed people. Only when there's a real threat to my character.

The people who kill on sight, its their option, its their thing, fair enough if that's what they want to do, I just don't understand why spending hours in a game trying to kill maybe a hand of people when they can just play much better online FPS games where they can kill hundreds in the same time, but its not up to me to judge what they want to do with their time.

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i once emptied the coyote pack of a sniper near electro without him noticing it, then stashed the gear, collected 24 trash items and returned to him and filled up the backpack with the trash, then made my way back to my stash, placed a map marker on him that said "sniper humiliated by Carrotsanta"(thats what Morotstomten translates into so i use it sometimes to make it easier to communicate in voice chat) and after roughly 15 min someone says "DAMN YOU CARROTSANTA" in sidechat(he probably went into map to place a waypoint to range something). my proudest bandit achievement to date

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At least the bandits had the manners to interact - so much better than the KOS brigade.

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And thats why you never have original and interesting moments like this happen to you

I get new and original types of rage each time

I would just end up executing the guy anyway, like hell I'd let them run off, i keep it simple, instead of spending 5 minutes talking this guy down, i could of already put his body in a ditch on the side of the road and be hunting the next victim

Edited by Krihelion

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Interesting interactions like this are what makes this game.

Edited by Josh225

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I get new and original types of rage each time

I would just end up executing the guy anyway, like hell I'd let them run off, i keep it simple, instead of spending 5 minutes talking this guy down, i could of already put his body in a ditch on the side of the road and be hunting the next victim

This Dude in your Server KOS, Ubber DOUCHE

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I totally agree dude, just disappoints me when I walk near someone asking if they are friendly only to be met with gunshots.

If I wanted to play Free For All I would go play some generic FPS game.

I could talk like a psychopath well I attempt to kill you if it would make you feel better.

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I get new and original types of rage each time

I would just end up executing the guy anyway, like hell I'd let them run off, i keep it simple, instead of spending 5 minutes talking this guy down, i could of already put his body in a ditch on the side of the road and be hunting the next victim

Watch out guys, we have a new alpha male in town.

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Well funny thing, last night i finnally got my hero skin on a private hive and decided to head into the cities and flaunt my new skin only to be met with death each time or at least shot at

the first 2-3 people ran away then came back and shot at me

guy number 4 shot me after i found him bleeding with broken legs, i offered him help and he just turned and shot me with an AK (being dayz+, the harder hitting zombies killed him before my screen blacked out)

Next I spawn at balota to be met with instant gunfire on spawn, spam and spam and spam of AK fire misses most shots and i escape with about 1000 blood i imagine. Pass out all the way to cherno to get picked up by a bandit who gives me a ride and guns from his truck, the last part i recorded.

So weirdly all survivor skins tried to shoot me and the 1 bandit I came across actually helped me.

I suspect something is wrong with this mod


Hey theblackjim :)

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior
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Who would be dumb enough to open fire on a guy with hero skin ?

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I remember getting shot by some bandits in a random town. Despite putting 5 rounds from a DMR into one of the guys, he killed me and the game bugged out. I fell to the ground and couldn't move, but I wasn't actually dead yet. (I was technically dead but the game didn't register it and show me the "You DIED" screen.) He had two buddies catch up to him and they proceeded to teabag my body and drag me around. Little did they know that while they were doing this I could access their backpacks one at a time, take everything and drop it all on the ground. I proceeded to do this to all 3 of them as they dragged me around and talked smack like they were actually good. All of their gear was hacked in. All of it was overpowered crap that didn't belong in the game. Eventually MY friends showed up and opened fire on them. One of the guys ran out of ammo for his gun and went to switch to the other hacked weapon he had in his backpack...he wasn't too pleased. As he was screwing around trying to figure it out he dumped his equipped gun and several other items into his backpack, which I promptly removed for him and dropped on the ground. =D

Good news is...they all died. Bad news...they just hacked their way back to us and killed us again and again until we left the server.

Edited by Vertisce

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I freaking love seeing someone threaten/command another player they've caught off-guard, it usually results in the ambushed guy getting away from/killing the ambusher. I've found the following rule to be even more important than the old "don't trust anyone": Never ever surrender to anyone as that gives them total control over you and what's gonna happen to you. Always try to evade or retaliate, because if you just surrender they might as well kill you right there.

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Well funny thing, last night i finnally got my hero skin on a private hive and decided to head into the cities and flaunt my new skin only to be met with death each time or at least shot at

the first 2-3 people ran away then came back and shot at me

guy number 4 shot me after i found him bleeding with broken legs, i offered him help and he just turned and shot me with an AK (being dayz+, the harder hitting zombies killed him before my screen blacked out)

Next I spawn at balota to be met with instant gunfire on spawn, spam and spam and spam of AK fire misses most shots and i escape with about 1000 blood i imagine. Pass out all the way to cherno to get picked up by a bandit who gives me a ride and guns from his truck, the last part i recorded.

So weirdly all survivor skins tried to shoot me and the 1 bandit I came across actually helped me.

I suspect something is wrong with this mod


Hey theblackjim :)

Most people are just to dumb to see that someone with a hero skin is not a thread to them (in most cases at least) all they see is walking gear and even that is not true cause alot of people just shoot everything that moves even if it's an unarmed guy. Thats why Bandits can't hit anything. All of my encounters begun with that the bandit almost sprayed his hole clip with barely hitting me (or not hitting me at all).What i want to say is the large part of badits are just some COD kiddies that think they are some kind of "pro-gamer" and thats both sad and true.

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Who would be dumb enough not to open fire on a guy with hero skin ?


Can't say a hero has ever killed me, atleast never one that I have seen

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I freaking love seeing someone threaten/command another player they've caught off-guard, it usually results in the ambushed guy getting away from/killing the ambusher. I've found the following rule to be even more important than the old "don't trust anyone": Never ever surrender to anyone as that gives them total control over you and what's gonna happen to you. Always try to evade or retaliate, because if you just surrender they might as well kill you right there.

if they catch you off guard so long that they come close enough to talk to you, they sure could've killed you by the time they started talking

usually the guys making you drop your weapon don't kill you, they just want a safe getaway or get to know the people they are playing with

i actually never have been robbed, either killed someone or both were friendly and nothing happened, since when you want stuff, killing the people is way safer than talking to them in the first place

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