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Veteran Bandit group looking for two new players

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Hi guys,

We are in need of two/three new players to join our bandit group as the current squad has gotten to large. We plan on breaking away and forming a new group.

What we have

1 - Sniper

1 - Spotter

1 - Assault

1 - Scout

All of us are vets we play on the FUN-GAMING server links to TS and server in my signature.

We have been playing the server since it started so as you can imagine we are highly geared and renowned. We have 2 members from the US and 2 from EU (1 UK, 1 Sweden) however the large quad has close to 10 members. Usual playing time is between 7-10 GMT.


- No new spawn killing unless they are equipped with a long gun/ pose a threat

- Must have a mic/ access to TS

- Must speak English

- Must be active

- Should have relevant dayz experience be able to give grid refs and bearings

- 16+

Who we need:

1 - Medic

1 - Assault

1 - possibly one heavy weapons/ support

all applicants will have access to our armory and vehicles.

please post below if you are interested.


In game name:

Experience(time played):

Preferred role:



What can you offer us:

Edited by beast101

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In game name: Scopeshot

Experience(time played): Played since 1.4.1 (months)

Preferred role: Assualt/Heavy Weapons

Steam: Dont use steam much but scopeshot2012

Skype: venom_bhd

What can you offer us: A hell of a lot of experince across almost all the custom maps and a good knowledge of chernous to the point that I can travel to any location without a map or compass. Accurate up to 600m with assualt rifles (M4's/M16's, Fucking hate ak's tho) I enjoy the game and joke around but when shit hits the fan I shut my trap and get the job done. I am a US player and my play times can range from 5 pm - 2 am EST depends on the day. Any other questions hit me up on skype.

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jump on tonight mate there are two others who have applied as well we'll see what goes down

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In game name: Mal

Experience(time played): Gosh... 9 months?

Preferred role: Assault/Medic

Steam: I have steam... (only via PM)

Skype: I have Skype... (only via PM)

I also have TS.

What can you offer us: I'm an ok sniper. I can fly helicopters fast and low and land them. With an assault rifle I can shoot a good distance with decent accuracy. Im an EU player (Germany) whose English is fluent and who has experience playing and coordinating with others to some degree. I am no pro. I am, however, wanting to improve my game and the only way to do that is by playing with others.

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In game name: Mal

Experience(time played): Gosh... 9 months?

Preferred role: Assault/Medic

Steam: I have steam... (only via PM)

Skype: I have Skype... (only via PM)

I also have TS.

What can you offer us: I'm an ok sniper. I can fly helicopters fast and low and land them. With an assault rifle I can shoot a good distance with decent accuracy. Im an EU player (Germany) whose English is fluent and who has experience playing and coordinating with others to some degree. I am no pro. I am, however, wanting to improve my game and the only way to do that is by playing with others.

again jump on the server tonight we will get you geared up and give you a trail and see how we get on.

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In game name: Prominent Alex

Experience(time played): 10 Months (April)

Preferred role: Support, Scout, Gathering Resources or mid-range Assault

Steam: Pciris

Skype: Prominent Alex

What can you offer us: I'm a mature group player, always thinking what's best for the clan and my clanmates. Willing to collect resources and scout areas, I'm always looking on my shoulder. And can be a great utility

Edited by prominentalex
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On the server now, got on a little late tonight, had some things to do

Edited by Scopeshot

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In game name: Prominent Alex

Experience(time played): 10 Months (April)

Preferred role: Support, Scout, Gathering Resources or mid-range Assault

Steam: Pciris

Skype: Prominent Alex

What can you offer us: I'm a mature group player, always thinking what's best for the clan and my clanmates. Willing to collect resources and scout areas, I'm always looking on my shoulder. And can be a great utility

jump on the server mate

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if you guys aren't full id like to take my chances with you guys. im an Ex clan leader( bandit oriented clan) looking to take a support approach , ill go straight for your medic spot.

Name: Oliver

In game name: Rat'Zooka

Experience(time played): i play since early may.

Preferred role: i had the role of leader in my last clan, now id like to play medic, support time baby !

Steam: AlucardNasty


What can you offer us: i make really good calls on the field , i think i got a really good awareness in this game , im a good shot with most weapons, including mil dots snipers. Im also really sneaky can be a scout if needed.

Edited by Alucardnasty

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Name: Karlo

In-Game Name: Gold

Experience: A little over 3 months

Preferred Role: Definitely medic, but I would be happy with somewhere in support area.

Steam: karlo234234

Skype: Karlo234234234

What can you offer us?: I am a guy that loves to support. Whenever I play games, I always choose support roles, ranging from healer to assault to cover my comrades. I enjoy doing pickups and am a good vehicle and helicopter operator. Another thing I could do would be bringing clan members around the map as needed, landing somewhere safe, and providing cover fire with another sniper. I am a very versatile player as you can see, and change roles whenever needed during combat situation, in order to help our group survive. Not only do I carefully assess every situation, I am good with lots of weapons and follow orders.

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sounds good you too i won't be on the server tonight as i value my life so will be on tomorrow if your up for a trail.



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Name: ????? (prefer to revel that later)

In-Game Name:Ghilleman/R3aper/The mist

Experience: Bout a year or more

Preferred Role: im best At snipeing and CQC but i can play medic a well as other roles

Steam: immaninjadude

Skype: immaninjadude

What can you offer us?: someone you can count your life with when raiding the NWAF a person who shows mercy only to the weak with no threat and still makes them suffer,im an excellent pilot and a great sniper i use to be a whitelisted medic as well, ive been in many other groups before this so im willing to take orders, im literally the luckiest guy you will find on DayZ contact me for more info

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